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The old swamper called Candy warns George about Curley. He tells George to keep Lennie away from Curley because Curley likes to pick fights with big guys because he known that he will win.

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In "Of Mice and Men," a swamper is a slang term for a janitor or a handyman who performs various cleaning and maintenance tasks on a ranch. The character Candy in the novel is an example of a swamper.

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Who is the swamper in of mice and men?


What is Candys job in Of Mice and Men?

he is a swamper, he mops the floors.

What limb is swamper missing in Of Mice and Men?

In the book "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, the character Candy is missing a hand. It was lost in a farming accident.

Who does the old swamper call an old tart in Of Mice and Men?

The old swamper Candy calls Curley's wife an old tart in "Of Mice and Men". He uses this derogatory term to express his disapproval of her flirtatious behavior around the ranch workers.

What does candy do for a living in Of Mice and Men?

Candy lost his hand in a machinery accident so he is a swamper on the ranch.

What limb is candy the old swamper missing?

Candy, the old swamper from John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," is missing his right hand. He lost it in a work-related accident.

'Of Mice and Men' candy the old swamper who shows george and Lennie to their bunks is missing what limb?

His penis. No, read the book.

How did candy get his job in Of Mice and Men?

Candy got his job as a swamper at the ranch in "Of Mice and Men" because he lost his hand in a farm accident and could no longer do heavy work. His job mainly involves cleaning the bunkhouse.

Does candy have a nickname in Of Mice and Men?

In the book ye is known as the old swamper especially in section 2 of the book but he hasn't got a nickname in the movie.

What does the old swamper say about curley wife?

The old swamper in "Of Mice and Men" describes Curley's wife as a troublemaker and dangerous due to her flirtatious behavior with the ranch workers. He warns George and Lennie to stay away from her to avoid getting into trouble with Curley.

What does the swamper tell george about curley's left hand in 'Of Mice and Men'?

The swamper tells George that Curley wears a glove on his left hand that is full of Vaseline to keep it soft for his wife. He mentions that Curley is always looking for trouble and picking fights with the workers on the ranch.

Who are the characters being introduced in chapter 2 of Of Mice and Men?

In chapter 2 of "Of Mice and Men," the characters being introduced are Candy, the old swamper who works at the ranch, and Curley, the boss's aggressive and confrontational son. Candy has a loyal old dog, and Curley is known for his boxing skills and his troubled relationship with his wife.