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Very Very Similar.

The biggest functional difference is the metallic atom in the centre of the molecule.

In Chlorophyll this is Magnesium (Mg) , In Haemoglobin it is Iron (Fe) .

Technically, they are not actually molecules but "Complex Ions" but this only matters if you are doing an A-Level Chemistry exam.

There is also a good bit of a structural difference but it seems minor compared to the simularities as you will see.

The following may seem a wee bit silly but it DOES give you a good idea of the

overall structure of these two molecules.

1 Imagine that you are wearing a long sleeved Jumper or Shirt.

Both sleeves should be rolled down to your wrists.

2 Imagine that you have two Snooker or Pool balls, one Red and one Green.

3 Hold out your Left hand , place the Red ball in the palm and curl your fingers

into a "C" shape. (Try to keep your Thumb straight-ish).

4 Make a "C" shape with your Right hand and cover the exposed part of the

ball. Your Right finger tips should be sort of resting on your Left thumb. Your

Right thumb should resting on the base of your Left Palm more or less

parallel to your Left Wrist.

Your Forearms should now be at an angle of 90 Degrees (or Pi/2 Radians

if you prefer) to each other.

I know a diagram would have been easier but....

You now have quite a detailed model of the Haemoglobin molecule.

The Iron atom is the Red ball (which you can't see now) in the centre of your

cupped hands.

Your Left Palm (inc. Thumb) , Left Fingers , Right Palm (inc. Thumb) and Right Fingers each represent a Porphyrin molecule , four of which surround the Iron atom.

Porphyrins are usually found in Clay ( the stuff you make pottery from). Insert

your own metaphore here....

Here comes the Fashion bit! CONCENTRATE!!!!!

5 OK. Put down the Red ball.

6 With your Right Hand roll the Left Sleeve of your imaginary Jumper or Shirt

until it reaches your Left Elbow.

7 Pick up the Green ball and perform steps 3 and 4 again.

You now have a model of the Chlorophyll molecule. The Iron (Fe) has been

replaced by a Magnesium (Mg) atom hence the colour change from Red to Green.

The 4 Porphyrin molecules are in the same positions surrounding the central atom and......

As if by magic , your Left Forearm is now a long chain of about 20 Carbon atoms and their associated Hydrogen atoms

( -CH2-CH2.etcetera.etcetera.-CH2-CH-COOH? something like that).

This is the structural difference i mentioned above. Sort of like the stick on "Kojacs Lollypop" , the Lolly is the more important part.


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14y ago

Heamoglobin is the red pigment (with iron as a component) in blood that is capable of transporting oxygen. Haemoglobin has high affinity to oxygen

Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants and certain organisms that is capable of trapping the energy of the sun to enhance the process of photosynthesis.

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14y ago

They have similar chemical structures, except for the fact that chlorophyll has a Chlorine atom in the center of the molecule and hemoglobin has an iron atom. For purposes of respiration, plants and animals are more similar than we might ever imagine.

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12y ago

Hmmm I'm thinking green slime or green poo

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13y ago

hemoglobin is found within red blood cells and allows the red blood cells to bind to oxygen molecules. without hemoglobin very little oxygen would be transported through out the body.

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Do protein in your body includes chlorophyll and hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin present while chlorophyll absent .

How are chlorophyll and chloroplasts relates and where are they found?

Chlorophyll is inside chloroplast.They are found in eukariyotes.

What is common in chlorophyll and haemoglobin?

Both chlorophyll and hemoglobin are pigments found in organisms. Chlorophyll is responsible for capturing sunlight during photosynthesis in plants, while hemoglobin helps to transport oxygen in the blood of animals. Both molecules contain a central metal ion - magnesium in chlorophyll and iron in hemoglobin - which is crucial for their function.

What are the main elements in chlorophyll and hemoglobin responsible for their colours?

in hemoglobin iron is the main element responsible of its red color . iron bonds the other element namely nitrogen , globin.

What is suplemental?

A chlorophyll supplement would include blue-green algae, spirulina, or chorella. These contain high concentrations of the green pigment found in plants, chlorophyll. This is a blood-building supplement as the chemical structure of chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin.

What mineral is an essential compont of chlorophyll?

Magnesium is an essential component of chlorophyll. It is located at the center of the chlorophyll molecule and is involved in capturing light energy during photosynthesis.

Why do leaves become red and orange in autumn?

Chemical breakdown of chlorophyll(not much different from your own breakdown of hemoglobin)

What is chloropyll suplement?

A chlorophyll supplement would include blue-green algae, spirulina, or chorella. These contain high concentrations of the green pigment found in plants, chlorophyll. This is a blood-building supplement as the chemical structure of chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin.

Which fruits and leafy vegetables increase hemoglobin?

Dried fruitsprunesraisinsapricotsLegumessoybeansdried beans and peaskidney beansSeedsalmondsBrazil nutsVegetablesbroccolispinachkalecollardsasparagusdandelion greensWhole grainswheatmilletoatsbrown riceOtherblackstrap molassesEating foods high in Vitamin C helps absorb iron.Dark green leafy vegetables.

What molecule has animal and plant structures?

Chlorophyll is a molecule found in both animals and plants. In plants, chlorophyll is responsible for photosynthesis, while in animals, it serves as a crucial component of hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.

What makes plants so green?

Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the plant version of mammal Hemoglobin, Chlorophyll is green while Hemoglobin is red. Both chemicals are necessary for energy metabolism in their respective plants and animals, with Hemoglobin animals consume Oxygen and exude Carbon Dioxide, and with Chlorophyll plants use the energy from the Sun to consume Carbon Dioxide and exude Oxygen.Both chemicals and their use/production require the mineral Iron. Fertilizers with high Iron content are a great way to make plants green to a surreal level. Correspondingly, Iron rich diets in mammals cause an increase in Red Blood Cell production. Too much, like any metallic element, is harmful.There has been speculation on the possible importance of ORME metals in this process.

What are some non examples of chlorophyll?

anything that is NOT Green.