Sickle cell
The shape of the cell is misshapen.
The sickle cell trait is that you dont have the whole thing you have half of it which is called the trait
No. It is a generally found only in the African/ American community.
20,000 people die with sickle cell each year
million people have sickle cell world wide i think
you can eat what we eat. Theres no difference. People w/out sickle cell eat regular can people w/ sickle cell
People who inherit one sickle cell gene are said to have sickle cell trait. This means they carry the gene but do not typically have symptoms of sickle cell disease. It is important for individuals with sickle cell trait to be aware of their status for proper medical management and genetic counseling.
yes there are two concentrations of sickle cell they are: sickle cell trait: co-dominance is established and only 50% of your cells are malformed sickle cell anemia: sickle cell is totally dominant and all cells are malformed, this only happens when both alleles are coded for sickle cell
Yes in sickl cell disease the white blood cell is