Examples of sentences containing a series of items:
The boy packed shorts, pants and a sweatshirt in his suitcase
She purchased milk, bread and cereal at the grocery store.
We saw lions, elephants, giraffes and penguins at the zoo.
She wants to major in either math, business or political science.
The doctor recommended Tylenol, and ice pack and lots of rest.
The kitchen floor was covered with Cheerios, cookie crumbs and bits of Play Doh. nuuuuu u is rong
Example sentence - The reporter won numerous awards for her investigative series on government corruption.
Articles or prepositions that apply to all members of a series must be used with only the first in the series or every member of the series.
Geometry involves a series of lines, segments, points, and shapes.
Lois has had a whole series of crises to deal with in the last four months.
There are certain rules to punctuating numbers in a sentence. If the sentence contains just one large number, like 546, then there is no punctuation required. If there is a series of numbers, then each one is separated by a comma like this...14,17, and 23. The last number in a series is always separated from the series with an article such as "and" or "or". If the number is less than ten, it is written out and never the Arabic numeral. The insertion of an Arabic numeral in a written sentence is jarring and is not done because of the flow of the writing.
There is a series of books to read in that topic.
This book will become part of a series in a few months.
I love to watch the series of Madagascar and The Big Bang Theory.
This project will require a parallel circuit, not a series circuit.
The New York Yankees won the 2009 World Series.
" Canada was recently hit by a series of harsh storms. "
Example sentence: This April Alabama was devastated by a series of powerful tornadoes.
One example of a sentence with a series of words or phrases is: "I need to buy apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes from the grocery store."
You can say: I love reading a series of books. Or you can say: The books I like reading are in series.
Example sentence - The resident physician was on vacation during the lecture series.
All of the above
Subject of the sentence Verb of the sentence Adverb of Manner Adverb of Place Adverb of Frequency Adverb of time Purpose