a swift runner is like a fast runner that can make perfect swerves and turns. for example:a jack rabbit is a swift-runner because it can outrun a starving coyote.
If you mean Jose Canseco, he hit 462 career home runs.
When a batsman scores 100 runs in a innings, it is called a century.
If you mean by an individual player, the answer is Barry Bonds: 73 home runs in 2001. The American League record is still owned by Roger Maris, who hit 61 home runs in 1961. If you mean by a team, that record was set by the Seattle Mariners in 1997 with 264 home runs. If you mean the highest single-season major league total, the most home runs hit in the major leagues in a single season occurred in 2000, with 5,693.
It is a name derived from its origin on a field that runs on River Sheaf in South Yorkshire in England.
The president runs the Executive Branch
The person who runs a meeting.
It mean that dc is also a pulsuaiting dc
Runs means runs scored. Every time a player scores, by touching home plate, he is credited with a run.
If you mean Jose Canseco, he hit 462 career home runs.
A triple is when someone hits the ball and runs and makes it to third base.
"the dog runs"
Please help
When someone runs out of money/ loses their money Its when someone runs out of money while they're STILL in debt.
its like a cell that runs throw you
Depends what you mean by the best. Best for what ?
Quidsi.inc is a corporation that Runs Soap.com Beautybar.com and Diapers.com
A maiden over is where no runs are scored.