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Being able to say yes to the set of questions the priest asked you.

Roman Catholic AnswerThe renewal of baptismal promises is always held on Easter Sunday, although it can be done at other times. People renew the promises that were made for them by their sponsors at their baptism. The priest asks you if you reject Satan, and all his works; do you believe in God, in Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit; do you hold all the teachings of the Catholic Church, etc.
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The candidate for confirmation affirms his faith in God and renounces sin.

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Q: Baptismal Promises renewed at Confirmation are promises of what?
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What is renewed at confirmation?

Your Baptismal promises.

What baptismal promises renewed at the Easter vigil?

Roman Catholic AnswerA copy of the renewal of Baptismal promises is at the link below. These include renouncing sin, Satan, evil, renewing one's faith in everything in the Apostles Creed

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Assurance or confirmation renewed or repeated., Same as Reinsurance.

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Included in the divine promises to Abraham were the assurances that (1) Christ would come through his lineage, and that (2) Abraham's posterity would receive certain lands as an eternal inheritance (Gen. 17; 22:15-18; Gal. 3; Abr. 2). These promises taken together are called the Abrahamic covenant. It was renewed with Isaac (Gen. 26:1-4, 24) and again with Jacob (Gen. 28; 35:9-13; 48:3-4).

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His name is Lars Burmeister. He has a Facebook page and if you look on you will see confirmation that he renewed his contract with Hugo Boss for 2010.

How did god show Abraham that he was special?

Abraham first received the gospel by baptism (which is the covenant of salvation). Then he had conferred upon him the higher priesthood, and he entered into celestial marriage (which is the covenant of exaltation), gaining assurance thereby that he would have eternal increase. Finally he received a promise that all of these blessings would be offered to all of his mortal posterity. Included in the divine promises to Abraham were the assurances that (1) Christ would come through his lineage, and that (2) Abraham's posterity would receive certain lands as an eternal inheritance (Gen. 17; 22:15-18; Gal. 3; Abr. 2). These promises taken together are called the Abrahamic covenant. It was renewed with Isaac (Gen. 26:1-4, 24) and again with Jacob (Gen. 28; 35:9-13; 48:3-4).

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Subscriptions, memberships, licenses, leases, contracts, and certifications can typically be renewed.

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They can be renewed after 16 years :)

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Licence Renewed was created in 1981.

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