

What is real properity?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is real properity?
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Why is flammability a chemical properity not a physical properity?

Because flammability involve burning, a chemical reaction of oxidation.

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How were politics in South Carolina in the years of the 1750s?

It was a properity colony

What physical properity requires no scales or tools or other equipment to determine?

Color, smell, taste ...

If a person is in a law suit and they properity for sale is that tied up in the law suit?

Yes, its called lis pendens.

What does it mean second sale?

Answer Second sale is when a properity has already been sold once, and is now being sold for the second time.

Is flammability a physical properity?

Flammability is a chemical property because the matter undergoes a chemical change (change in the make-up molecules) when it is burned.

What does properity?

The definition of proper is truly what something is said or regarded to be. It means genuine or true. It also means suitable, appropriate, and of the required type.

What can happen during a flood?

major properity damage,plumbing damage,death,injury,mold and mildew,electricity damage,blackouts,diseases.