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The earths rotation on its axis causes days and nights. When the rotates and it is dark, that means that your part of the Earth is facing away from the sun. If it is light out on your part of the Earth that means that your part of the Earth is facing the sun. And here is a fun fact: if your part of the Earth is light outside the part of the Earth on the exact opposite side is dark out!

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11y ago
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13y ago

The Earth's rotation causes the apparent rise and set of the Moon and Sun, and its interaction with the Moon causes tides. The rotation also causes a "bulge" in the Earth's spherical shape, with the equatorial region distended outward. The equatorial diameter of the Earth is about 42.6 kilometers wider than the polar diameter (pole to pole).

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12y ago

To me appears that Moon's so called tidal lock,the Effectcould be the very basic cause for Earth's revolution.

Moon acts like a Regulator to keep Earth Annual /Days proportion and or distance from the Sun, almost constant. Variables could be the Moon's orbital Velocity and orbital Radius as primary Factors.

There is a classical Statement relating to Moon and Earth, saying:Moon revolves(around itself)once per each orbit around Earth,called Tidal Lock

In another words according to classical definition, it would mean that Moon has a revolving Axes like planet Earth.

The statement seems to be incorrect or not sufficient.

Moon earns rotating Hinge on the Plane of Rotation so that planet Moon is not revolving itself but makes planet Earth to revolve( the whole mechanism might be combined with other celestial bodies too!). Imagine if a Potter was supposed to work on his pottery machine with his chair fixed on spinning potter wheel, so chair had to be hinged to that rotating wheel making him able to face his job(Target).

By classical statement or definition I would understand, with a physical connection between Earth and Moon the connecting Device should coil around the Moon due to Moon's revolution which is a fully incorrect Concept.

From the view of an Observer beyond these two Planets, Moon will appear fixed but rotating.The Hinge Forcewill act as Torque on Earth's revolving Axes.

Fixed in it's Direction but variable in it's Location on orbital plane,relative to Target(planet Earth).

To better understand dynamic relation between Moon and Earth,instead of using the Terminologies<tidal lock> I would suggest:

hinged on it's orbital Plane>.

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15y ago

Rotation causes:

-- day
-- night
-- the opportunity for everyone on earth to have both day and night regularly.

Revolution causes:

-- seasons (in conjunction with the non-perpendicularity of the rotational axis with respect to the ecliptic)
-- the familiar pattern of particular times of year during which given stars are visible at a given time of night
-- the opportunity to see all the stars and the entire universe, without the sun's interference, in the course
of a year.

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14y ago

The seasons are caused by earth's revolution because it is on a tilted axis. When the earth revolves around the sun during a specific time of the year, one of the poles is closer to the sun than the other pole, because of the tilt. For example, during May, June, July, and August, it is summer in the northern hemisphere because the north pole is pointed closer to the sun, making it warmer. However, during the same time of year, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere because the south pole is pointed further away from the sun, making it colder, and vice versa during the winter.

An interesting and essential part of this: because earth is spinning (rotating) on its axis, it is acting like a gigantic gyroscope. This is why the tilt of the axis is always pointing to the same spot in the sky, and why the tilt doesn't somehow follow the sun over the course of the year. Without this gyroscopic action, the seasons would be unpredictable.

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12y ago

The revolution of the Earth does not cause changes in the seasons. The TILT of the Earth does. When an area tilts away from the sun, light strikes the earth at a shallow angle, delivering less heat and light. As it tilts towards the sun, light is striking at a more direct angle, delivering more heat and light.

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14y ago

Nothing much. About the only interesting point is that the fact that there is a star almost directly over the north pole is entirely coincidental, and that precession will move the Earth's axis away from Polaris in a couple of thousand years. Could it be that mankind's technological achievements, starting with sea navigation using the north star, are tied to this, or is that just a coincidence as well?

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16y ago

Revolution causes a variation in the length of day and night around the world, and it also causes the earth to experience the various seasons over the course of a year.

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15y ago

The Earth's rotation causes the cycles of Day and Night.

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15y ago

The rotation of the Earth causes day and night.

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What is earths precession?

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What is preccession?

A Precession is the changing direction of earth's axis

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Earth's axis wobbles.

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Earth has four main motions: rotation, which causes day and night; revolution, which causes the annual seasons; precession, which causes a slow wobble in its axis; and nutation, which causes a slight variation in the tilt of its axis.

What is the term for the way tat earth wobbles around its rotation axis?

The Earth doesn't wobble around its rotation axis. The rotation axis itself rotates,so that the Earth's poles trace around a 23.5-degree circle in the sky, every 26,000years. The term that describes it is "precession".The Earth doesn't wobble around its rotation axis. The rotation axis itself rotates,so that the Earth's poles trace around a 23.5-degree circle in the sky, every 26,000years. The term that describes it is "precession".The Earth doesn't wobble around its rotation axis. The rotation axis itself rotates,so that the Earth's poles trace around a 23.5-degree circle in the sky, every 26,000years. The term that describes it is "precession".

The wobbling motion of a spinning object is known as?

Precession. This is when the axis of rotation of a spinning object moves in a circular motion around another axis, causing a wobbling effect.

Is Earths rotation axis fixed in space?

No, Earth's rotation axis is not fixed in space. It undergoes a slow wobble known as precession, which takes about 26,000 years to complete one full cycle. This causes the orientation of Earth's axis to change over long periods of time.

Which motions refers to Earth's spinning on it's axis?

Precession of the equinox.