A positive effect of irrigation is that it enables more food to be grown, thus feeding more people, and reducing the possibility of starvation. A negative effect is that irrigation may diminish the water available in a lake or other waterway, causing the lake to dry up, such as has happened to the Aral Sea in southern Russia. So much water was diverted by Soviet planners, to grow cotton, that the lake has virtually disappeared, causing a huge amount of ecological damage to the area.
what is the positive and nagetive effects
negative effects
Positive effects are slight because people indulge themselves anyway. Negative effects entail emergence of organized crime and violence
One positive effect of automation is that products, like cars, can be produced faster with automation. One negative effect of automation is that the human worker is no longer necessary.
Positive + Negative = Negative Negative + Negative = Positive Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative
what is the positive and nagetive effects
what are the positive and negative effects of globalization to hopitality industry?
negative effects
what are the positive and negative affect of a sinkhole
Negative effects are can cause flooding if broken
There were positive effects as well as negative effects
The desert had many positive and negative effects of the desert.
Positive for the colonists and negative for those colonized.
what are positive effects of bio fuel
Positive: Environmental Negative: loss of soverignty
not sure about positive but negative is wars, racism,vandillism
both positive and negative effects were there. It killed economy, but brought social changes.