I believe that this condition is called gallbladder hydrops.
Cholecystoplasty is the medical term meaning surgical repair of the gallbladder.
Nociception is the medical term meaning pain detection. -algia or -dynia is the medical terminology combining form meaning pain. The traditional Latin term meaning pain is dolor.
analgesic or painkillerAnother term for pain reliever is analgesicAnalgesicAnalgesic
Cholecystitis is the medical term used to describe an enlarged gallbladder. This will cause pain and you will most likely have to have it removed.
Dorsalgia is the medical term meaning back pain. It is not a frequently used word.
Otalgia is the medical term meaning ear pain.
Stomatalgia is the medical term meaning mouth pain.
Mastodynia or mastalgia is the medical term meaning breast pain.
The medical term for stomach pain is gastralgia. The suffix for gastralgia is -algia, meaning "pain."
Gastroenteralgia is the medical term meaning pain in the stomach and intestine.
Adnexal is the medical term meaning near the ovary.