When a team earns a point because the opposing team has broken a rule of regulation, such as going out of bounds.
It is how to score a goal, in volleyball u have to keep it in the air and if the ball lands on the floor the side it landed on the opponent
BHE = Ball Handling Error
That would be spiking the ball
isn't it called screening?
yes it is
Because you can hardly hit the the ball with your feet and return it to your opponent exactly check.................
A roof is a term where you block your opponent's spike and the ball hits the floor immediately
Receiving in volleyball means that the opponent is severing and you are going to receive the ball.
You jump high enough to clear the net and hit the ball in a downward tragectory towards the floor on the opponent's side of the net.
kicking kataw is similar to volleyball, but you only use your feet to kick to the opponent's side. You can also can do trick shot only with feet.
In volleyball, two teams are on opposing sides of the net. The object is to legally make the ball hit the ground on your opponent's side of the court. If you do so, you receive a point. Whichever side gets twenty-five points first wins.
Volleyball is a game played between two teams on a court divided in half by a net. Each team has 6 players on each side at a time. Substitutions can be made during the game. The point of the game is to have the volleyball never touch the floor on your side of the court and to get the ball over the net to go inside of the opponent's side of the court.