Pure urine is odourless. When it comes into contact with other things (such as bacteria), it begins to stink. Usually the smell is quite sharp and offensive to the nose.
urine smelling breath odor.
Certain foods like asparagus can give urine a bad odor. It could be an infection. If you recently took vitamins, that could cause odor as well
A strong urine smell
There is a product called Zero Odor that removes urine smell. Simply spray it in the area of concern and you odor will be gone. Zero Odor does simply cover up the odor, it bonds onto the molecules and changes them so there is no more odor.
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Why is my urine very light yellow almost clear in color and has an odor and is foamy?
An aromatic odor in urine could be a sign of a medical condition such as diabetes, dehydration, or a urinary tract infection. It's important to pay attention to any changes in urine odor and consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment if needed.
I have never tried salt. But, the best thing to use to remove the odor of cat urine is white vinegar and water.
Acetone is sometimes found in urine, especially in individuals with diabetes or who are on a low-carbohydrate diet. It can be a byproduct of fat metabolism when the body does not have enough carbohydrates to use for energy.
No, but it will give your sweat, urine, and feces a pungent, garlicky odor.
clear transparency is the normal characteristic of the urine