It cant be written as a decimal apart from 3.0 which is a whole number. The fraction is basically saying that there are 9 thirds which equals three. Three thirds equals one because three thirds equals a whole.
Nine thirds is three
66 and two thirds as a decimal = 66.67
two thirds is 0.666666667
By burning the "2 and 2 thirds" and replacing it with a decimal.
Nine and two thirds. Rounding this to two decimal places, gives you: 9.673 x 9.67 = 29
9.6666666666666666666666666666 or simply 9.67
Nine thirds is three
66 and two thirds as a decimal = 66.67
To compare 0.6 and two-thirds, we need to make their denominators the same. Two-thirds can be written as 0.666... (repeating decimal) when converted to a decimal. Therefore, 0.6 is less than two-thirds because 0.6 is equivalent to six-tenths, which is less than six-tenths and six-hundredths.
two thirds is 0.666666667
By burning the "2 and 2 thirds" and replacing it with a decimal.
two thirds converted into a decimal = 0.66672/3= 2 ÷ 3= 0.6667 in decimal
Nine and two thirds. Rounding this to two decimal places, gives you: 9.673 x 9.67 = 29
one third of nine is three, therefore:-ten thirds of nine = three times ten which is thirty.
No, nine thirds is just three so three and one third is one third larger than nine thirds
a recurring decimal
Two and two-thirds