It could refer to No Objection Certificate (to planning aplication), or No Overall Control (between political parties). There are around 70 other possible answers.
please excuse my dear aunt sally a x u i d u r p l v d b e o t i i t n n i s t r t e p i i a h n l o o c e t i n n t s s c i e a o s t n i o n
c + n
For example, figures like C and N are open figures, and figures like O and D are closed.
it was on a roll a-blank b-I c-t d- blank e-w f-a g-s h-blank i-o j-n k-blank l-a m-blank n-r o-o p-l q-l r-
o c c a s i o n s
J-a-c-k N-i-c-h-o-l-s-o-n
Isocyanate is a compound containing O, C, H, and N.
Unscrambling T-C-N-A-I-O leads me to A-C-T-I-O-N, or action.
it's basically a kind of pickled gherkin and spelt c-o-r-n-i-c-h-o-n.
I, no, on,
c o n p u e
P-R-O-N-U-N-C-I-A-T-I-O-N is the spelling.
Common Nation