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What is the most popular favorite color in Germany

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Q: What is the most popular hair and eye color in Germany?
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What is the most popular hair color on women?

black color

What is the most popular hair and eye color?

brown, for eyes black for hair.

What is the most popular hair color in the world?

From what i know and seen, Black :)

Whats the most popular hair color?

Black because it is a dominate gene.

What is the best hair color in the history?

Probably the most popular is blond. Black is the most common though.

Which shade is the most popular hair color in the world?

A brown pigment to hair is the most common in the world and therefore the most popular as many people have no desire to change the colour of hair they were born with. Hair colour depends upon melanin and this can vary over time.

What is the most popular hair color?

Blonde Although 65% of the population lives in India- not too many Blondes there.Black is the most popular hair color worldwide, in terms of naturalism.Black is the most common natural hair color around the world, followed by brown. Natural Blond is only found in about 2% of the world's population. Red hair is least common at 1-2%.In terms of popular colors to dye hair, platinum, rose gold, dark brown, and ombre are the most popular in 2014 according to Harpers Bazaar.

What is the most popular color of doorknob?

the most popular color of a doorknob is brown.

What is the third most popular color?

I think red is the third most popular color.

What is the most popular color of windmills?

the most popular color of windmills would most likely be white.

What is the most popular color in England?

Just as in the US and other countries there is no 'most popular color' in England. Some colors may be more popular than others, but there is no 'most popular color'.

What is the most popular color for cars in the US?

As of 12/2010 the most popular color is white.