The missing term is "phytoplankton." Phytoplankton are microscopic organisms that form the base of the marine food chain by converting sunlight into energy through photosynthesis.
If an animal from a food chain disappears, it can have a cascading effect on the entire ecosystem. This can disrupt the predator-prey balance, leading to an increase or decrease in certain species populations. It can also impact the availability of resources for other animals in the food chain, potentially causing a chain reaction of consequences throughout the ecosystem.
the one below it will die because it will have nothing to keep its population down and then it will eat up all its food so it and its food dies and then humans will because the world has ran out of food.
Well, that's a tough one,but I'll answer best i can. If there is one level missing then humans and animals we could ALL DIE.
A Mekong food chain is a food chain of the Mekong region
Bigfoot could be the missing link to the human race
If you mean consumers like cattle or antelope, then the top consumer would die out or move somewhere else
what is a monkeys food chain
food chain on land
food chain of a eagle
arboreal food chain