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Yes or no, depending on what the task is. As an example, if you are inputting data into a computer via keyboard, magnetic tape, hard disk file transfer, or keypunch card, the task is completely mechanical.
On the other hand, if you are performing a data processing task related to reading a printed report and manually compiling data, it is not at all mechanical.

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A combination of manual and mechanical procedure are used

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Q: Examples of manual-mechanical data processing
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What are the 2 areas of data processing?

Business data processing and Scientific data processing.

Examples of business data processing?

Business data processing is used in a mail merge to retrieve customer's information in sending out advertising. A business accounts dept use data processing to create reports on the financial state of the business, customer credits and debits, personnel wages, etc.

What is electronic data processing?

The example of electronic data processing is the use of the computer in processing data.

When does data processing occur?

Processing occurs after data have been entered into the computer.

Categories of data processing?

Data is processed to get the required results. Different operations may be performed on data. Therefore, data processing is defined as:"A sequence of operations on data to convert it into useful information is called data processing."The important operations that can be performed on data are:Arithmetic and logical operations on data to get required results.To send and receive data from one location to another.Classification of data.Arranging data into a specific order etc.The data processing is divided into three categories or levels.1. Manual Data Processing: In manual data processing, data is processed manually without using any machine or tool to get required result. In manual data processing, all the calculations and logical operations are manually performed on the data. Similarly, data is manually transferred from one place to another. This method of data processing is very slow and errors may occur in the output.In Pakistan, data is still processed manually in many small business firms as well as government offices & institutions.2. Mechanical Data Processing: In mechanical data processing, data is processed by using different tools like calculators or other mechanical devices. This method of data processing is faster and more accurate than manual data processing.3. Electronic Data Processing: It is the modern technique to process data. The data is processed through computer. Data and set of instructions are given to the computer as input and the computer automatically processes the data according to the given set of instructions.The computer is also known as electronic data processing machine. This method of processing data is very fast and accurate. Now-a-days, the data is processed and analyzed through computers. For example, the results of students are prepared through computer; in banks accounts of customers are processed through computers etc.

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Examples of processing devices?

Examples of processing device are computers, mobile phones and calculators. Any device that processes data can generally be referred to as a computer.

What are the Examples of data processing systems?

Commercial data processing "involves a large volume of input data, relatively few computational operations, and a large volume of output." Accounting programs are the prototypical examples of data processing applications. Information systems (IS) is the field that studies such organizational computer systems.

Examples of data processing operation?

There are different data processing operations include capturing, transmitting, and storing data. Other operations are manipulating, retrieving, and displaying data.

Can you give you examples of data processing cycle that is also related to human activities?


What are the 2 areas of data processing?

Business data processing and Scientific data processing.

What are the categories data processing?

What are the two areas of data processing?

Examples of business data processing?

Business data processing is used in a mail merge to retrieve customer's information in sending out advertising. A business accounts dept use data processing to create reports on the financial state of the business, customer credits and debits, personnel wages, etc.

What is electronic data processing?

The example of electronic data processing is the use of the computer in processing data.