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Q: What is matrix departmentalization mean?
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I believe that Wal-Mart uses a Matrix Organizational structure, more specificly a Geographical Departmentalization matrix, meaning they divide the company into geographical regions aka North America, Europe etc...then follow suit with that Departmentalization matrix which divides their products into a departments that is monitred via managment and sales groups. Just an educated guess though.

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Departmentalization refers to dividing a given organization into different departments so as to perform specific tasks according to their specialization. Examples of departmentalization in an organization includes geographical, product and functional.

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Hybrid departmentalization involves organizing a company by using a mix of different departmentalization methods, such as by function, product, geography, or customer. This approach allows companies to benefit from the advantages of multiple departmentalization structures while addressing their specific needs and goals. Hybrid departmentalization can enhance flexibility, coordination, and specialization within an organization.

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What is mean by order of a matrix?

For a square matrix, the order is the number of rows (or columns).

Advantages of departmentation?

With departmentalization, managers can isolate problems within the organization quicker. One disadvantage is the fact that departmentalization discourages cooperation among departments.

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