Ashlesh is embrassed in marathi and sanskrit.
nam kaye
There is the name Utame found in Marathi but there is no translation found for an English meaning.
The marathi word for season is ऋतु, pronounced "rootoo". One of the ways it is spelt is "ritu".
orchid name in marathi
The name Vrushali is of Marathi origin which means beautiful daughter. It is a popular Marathi name for girls.
what is the marathi name of boswelli serrata
Keyboard is called as "कीबोर्ड" (pronounced as kee-bord) in Marathi.
Oats is otsa in Marathi.
The scientific name for artichokes is Cynara scolymus.
The Marathi name for password is 'Parawali'
in Marathi - "Paan" or "Patra"
Flax Seeds are called "Jawas" in Marathi.
meaning of arrav in marathi language
Vineet means Polite in Marathi
Ashlesh is embrassed in marathi and sanskrit.