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Q: What is made up if two or more simple machines?
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Machines that are made up of two or more simple machines are called?

compound machine

Are compound machine made of two or more simple machines?


What is A machine made from two or more simple machines?

compound machine

What kind of machine is made is made of two or more simple machines?

A compound machine.

What kinda of machine is made of two or more simple machines?

A complex machine.

What is a machine made up from two or more simple machines?

compound machine

What kind of machine is made out of two or more simple machines?

A compound machine.

A machine is classified as a compound machine if it?

A machine is classified as a compound machine if it is made up of two or more simple machines working together to achieve a desired outcome.

What machine is made from two ore more simple machines?

A stapler. It has a wedge and a lever.

What kind of machine is made or two or more simple machines?

"compound machine" or "compound"

What kind of machine is made of two or more simple machines-?

A compound machine is made up of two or more simple machines. Most of the machines we see today are compound machines, some examples are: zippers, can openers, bicycles, staplers, scissors, pencil sharpeners, ceiling fans, pizza cutters, wheelbarrows, and bulldozers.

What is machines that are composed of two or more machines are called?

Complex machines are made out of multiple simple machines like axels, levers and pulleys make up a catapult on wheels.