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Population growth in which the growth rate decreases with increasing number of individuals until it becomes zero when the population reaches a maximum.

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Q: What is logistic growth?
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What would An s shaped population growth curve best describes what?

logistic growth

What is the characteristic shape of logistic growth curve?

The classic "S" shaped curve that is characteristic of logistic growth.

What is the characteristics shape of a logistic growth curve?

The classic "S" shaped curve that is characteristic of logistic growth.

In logistic population growth what is the initial growth called?

The initial growth of a population is called a growth spurt. In logistic population growth, the population grows at a steady pace.

Which of these terms is defined as population growth limited by carrying capacity?

The term defined as population growth limited by carrying capacity is "logistic growth." In logistic growth, population growth slows as it approaches the carrying capacity of the environment, resulting in a stable population size.

The life history pattern in which population growth is logistic is called-?

The life history pattern in which population growth is logistic is called the logistic growth model. It is characterized by an initial period of exponential growth followed by a gradual decline in growth rate as the population approaches its carrying capacity due to limited resources.

What are two classifications of population?

Logistic growth and Exponential growth

What are the two classifications of population?

Logistic growth and Exponential growth

Logistic and exponential growth?

A logistic growth will at first approximate an exponential growth - until it approximates the "saturation" value, when it begins to increase less quickly.

What letter is used to refer to the characteristics shaoe of the logistic growth curve?

what letter is used to refer to the characteristic shape of the logistic growth curve

The life history pattern in which population growth is logistic from?

The life history pattern in which population growth is logistic is known as the logistic growth model. This model describes how populations initially grow exponentially, but eventually reach a carrying capacity where growth levels off due to limited resources or other constraints. The logistic growth model is often represented by an S-shaped curve.

What the different between exponential growth and logistic growth?

look in your textbook