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Cats are drawn to the fish smell because their sense of smell is different that ours. Their sense of smell is about 15 times greater than ours. They like the fish smell because they love to eat fish.

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Q: What is it fish smell which cats are drawn to?
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Why do cats like fish-?

Cats like fish because fish has a strong smell. Cats have a very acute sense of smell, and will often prefer food that is smelly instead of food that has a subtle smell.

Why are cats attracted to fish food?

They love the smell of fish and anything fishy. It's normal and not dangerous.

Why do cats like fish more than anything?

If I were a cat, I would prefer fish over dry cat food or canned. Besides I don't know what it is but cats are drawn to fish like a magnet.

Do cats like fish?

Many cats are attracted to the smell of fish and enjoy eating it. However, not all cats like fish, as preferences can vary among individual cats. It's important to ensure that any fish fed to cats is cooked and free of bones to prevent choking or other health issues.

What can cats smell?

cats can smell a barbecue and it can smell smoke

What smells good to cats?

As cats are carnivores, foods such as meat will naturally smell good to cats. Fish and other strong smelling foods will also attract a cat. Cats have an acute sense of smell, and generally will be attracted to foods that are stronger-smelling than others.

How does a fish smell?

Fish smell with their noses :)

Can the smell of lilies harm cats?

No, lily smell is not harmful to cats, but eating lilies can be very toxic and deadly to cats.

What happens when a cat eats chicken bones?

Yes, cats do eat fish. Pass19saintyou: Most cats love to eat fish. Cats love protein, and when they smell fish they can smell the protein in the fish, and they apparently like that taste! If your cat is an adult alot of fish, isn't always good for him/her. Only feed it to him once in awhile.

What cat fish eat?

All domestic cats like fish.

Can cats find hamsters when they get out?

Yes,cats can smell hamsters because their smell is real good.

Do cats like the smell of ammonia?

Cats do not like the smell of ammonia. It is a strong and unpleasant odor for them.