To convert a decimal number like 6.50 to a whole number, you would simply remove the decimal point and any following digits. Therefore, 6.50 as a whole number is 6.
We could have used that missing number. In general, the least whole number that will round to the nearest hundred is x50 of the previous one. 650 is the least whole number that will round to 700
Well, friend, there are 65 hundredths in 650. You see, when you have a whole number like 650, you can think of it as 650.00, which means there are 65 hundredths in total. Just imagine each hundredth as a tiny, happy little bird flying in the sky of numbers.
To the nearest 100, any number greater than or equal to 650 and less than 750 will round to 700. examples (whole numbers): 650, 651, 749, examples (decimals): 650.5, 749.5, 749.9, 749.999
650 is not a odd number it is a even number
We could have used that missing number. In general, the least whole number that will round to the nearest hundred is x50 of the previous one. 650 is the least whole number that will round to 700
44% of 650 = 44% * 650 = 0.44 * 650 = 286
108 percent of 650 = 702108% of 650= 108% * 650= 1.08 * 650= 702
Well, friend, there are 65 hundredths in 650. You see, when you have a whole number like 650, you can think of it as 650.00, which means there are 65 hundredths in total. Just imagine each hundredth as a tiny, happy little bird flying in the sky of numbers.
Oh honey, 650 as a fraction is just 650/1. It's like saying you have 650 pieces of cake out of a total of 1 cake. So, enjoy your whole cake of 650 slices!
To the nearest 100, any number greater than or equal to 650 and less than 750 will round to 700. examples (whole numbers): 650, 651, 749, examples (decimals): 650.5, 749.5, 749.9, 749.999
Halfway between means if we put the two numbers on the number line, we find the distance between the two numbers and if we go half that distance we get to the number we are looking for.Now the distance between 500 and 800 is 800-500 or 300.We need half of that which is 150. So now take 500+150=650 or take 800-150 which must also be 650.