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All purpose flour only contains wheat flour and some "enrichments" such as vitamins to replace a few of the nutrients lost with the wheat germ and bran. It does not include salt, baking soda or any other ingredients.

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13y ago

There is nothing in it other than flour. It's all purpose because it's not specially ground for a particular purpose like cake flour or mixed with levening like self-rising flour. It is probably made from more than one type of wheat, but I don't know that.

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16y ago

It is flour used for all purposes.

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Can you substitue allpurpose flour for self rising flour?

You can but self-rising flour has salt and baking soda added to it as a leavening agent. If you use all purpose instead of self-rising you will need to add soda and salt so that you don't end up with a flat cake or cookies.

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Garfava flour: This flour is a blend of chickpea flour and fava bean flour and can be used like chick-pea flour.

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You can make them with what ever kind of flour you like - wholemeal wheat flour, rice flour, spelt flour, corn flour, oat flour, potato flour, the list is endless, its up to you.

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AP Flour = All Purpose Flour = Plain Flour

Is rice flour similar to plain for self raising flour?

No. Rice flour is made from rice. Plain flour is refined wheat flour. Self rising flour is refined wheat flour with baking powder and salt already in it. Wheat flour has gluten, rice flour does not and cannot be used to substitute for wheat flour.

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Some wheat flour alternatives for baking include almond flour, coconut flour, oat flour, and rice flour.

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flour then milk. flour then milk. flour then milk.

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you cant find flour you have to make the flour.