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polar bears and red squirrels

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Q: What is in a food chain in the arctic?
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Are polar bears at the top of the arctic food chain?

Yes, polar bears are on the top of the Arctic food chain. Then the seals.

What is the scavenger in an arctic food chain?

Arctic Foxes and scavenger birds

Is phytoplankton in the Arctic food chain?


Who is at the top of the food chain in the arctic?

polar bears, arctic wolfs, and the great red fox.

What is the Arctic Tern's food chain?

Fox -> Arctic Tern -> Small Fish -> Plankton -> SunlightHope this helps!

Do Arctic foxes live in Antarctica or in the Arctic?

No animal lives in Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain. The Arctic Fox, as its name implies, lives in the Arctic.

Can Arctic foxes live in the Antarctic?

No, the Antarctic has a very cold climate and has no terrestrial food chain to support Arctic foxes.

What are the scavengers in the arctic tundra food chain?

Polar Bears Arctic Fox's Coyotes Grizzly bears Killer Whales

Where does the Arctic fox fit in the food chain?

The trophic level of the Arctic cod is as a primary consumer. The Arctic cod is consumed by the Seals and killer whales.

Is cloudberries arctic hare arctic fox and polar bear a food chain?

get a life you freak i know you are trying to do stupid homework

Is a lichen in a arctic tundra food chain a consumer?

Yes, lichens in the arctic tundra food chain are considered primary producers rather than consumers, as they make their own food through photosynthesis using sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil. They are an important food source for herbivores like caribou and musk oxen in the arctic tundra ecosystem.

What is one of the arctic producer?

producer... i hard know one... but at the bottom of the arctic food chain are the still planktons drifted by ocean current.