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The four modes of life:

Human beings can live four distinct modes of life.

They are,

1. Instinctive mode

2. Natural mode

3. Virtual mode

4. Materialistic mode

The four basic qualities of life:

1. We live in Instinctive mode when we are living under ideal conditions.

2. We live in Natural mode when the external conditions keep varying between an upper and a lower limit.

3. We live in Virtual mode when we are forced to life beyond the limits of conditions for good life but our environment is stable. Then using god we lead an Instinctive life under just one set of conditions only or natural life under few conditions only.

4. We live in Materialistic mode when we are forced to live outside the limits of conditions for good life and the magnitude of our difficulties keep varying continuously. Thus, we can't afford to have a god.

The hierarchy of human beings is undoubtedly in the above mentioned order only.

The aim of people in Materialistic mode should be to move to the Instinctive mode because people in the Instinctive mode would be living under ideal conditions

It has to be mentioned that the four modes correspond to the four Yugas and the life of people in this ear corresponds to Kali Yuga.

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4mo ago

Human hierarchy refers to the organization of individuals based on power, authority, and status within a social group or society. It often involves ranking individuals according to factors such as wealth, occupation, education, or social connections. Hierarchy can impact relationships, decision-making processes, and opportunities available to different members of society.

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Abraham Maslow developed his hierarchy of human needs in the 1940s and 1950s. He introduced the theory in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" and later expanded on it in his book "Motivation and Personality" published in 1954.

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an American psychologist. He is well known for his research on "hierarchy of human needs"

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he proposed it in his 1943 paper: A Theory Of Human Motivation

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Abraham Maslow developed the theory of the hierarchy of human needs. This theory suggests that individuals are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to higher-level needs like self-esteem and self-actualization. Maslow's hierarchy includes physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization needs.

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How do you use hierarchy of needs in a sentence?

Humans have a hierarchy of needs, according to Abraham Maslow. He wrote in 1943 that human needs are first psychological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and last, self-actualization.

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Abraham Maslow developed the theory of human motivation known as the Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow proposed that individuals have five levels of needs that must be met in a specific order, starting with physiological needs and progressing to self-actualization.