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10mo ago

The opposite of "permit" is "prohibit" or "forbid," meaning to not allow or to disallow something.

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Related questions

What is opposite of permit?

The opposite could be deny, refuse, disallow, reject, turn down, prohibit, or proscribe.

What is opposite of forbid?

Some good antonyms include: Permit Allow

What is the opposite of forbid?

Some good antonyms include: Permit Allow

What is the opposite of prohibit?

allow, authorize, command, consent to, endure, further, give leave, let, license, order, permit, suffer, tolerate

Is an instruction permit the same as a learner's permit?

Yes, an instruction permit is the same as a learner's permit.

Why does the US Military refuse to permit same-sex spouses onto bases to visit their own families?

It doesn't. Effective June 26, 2013, the US Military treats all married couples the same, whether they are same-sex or opposite-sex. As of that date, same-sex spouses of active-duty service members can be issued the same credentials that permit opposite-sex spouses to enter military bases unaccompanied.

How can you use permit in sentences?

I have a permit to drive this car. I'm about to get my permit.

Can you make a sentence for permit?

Please permit me to answer this for you. You'll need a permit for that! My hunting permit expired last month.

Should same-sex couples be allowed to marry in a church?

Yes. A church that permits opposite-sex couples to marry, should also permit same-sex couples to marry.

Hi does anybody know how old you have to be to get your permit in MA?

Driving permit? Gun permit? Building permit?

Where are some places were you can get your permit?

Your permit to do what, and where?

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