Permitted is the past participle of permit.
The past tense of "permit" would be "permitted".
In Louisiana, you must be at least 15 years old to apply for a learner's permit. This permit allows you to practice driving with a licensed adult before obtaining your driver's license.
The noun permission is related to the verb "to permit" (to allow, to authorize). There is also a related noun permit, a term used for written permissions.
Permit requirements for using a megaphone vary by location. In some cases, a permit may be required if the noise generated by the megaphone could be considered disruptive to others. It's best to check with your local government or municipal office to see if a permit is needed for home use.
The opposite could be deny, refuse, disallow, reject, turn down, prohibit, or proscribe.
Some good antonyms include: Permit Allow
Some good antonyms include: Permit Allow
allow, authorize, command, consent to, endure, further, give leave, let, license, order, permit, suffer, tolerate
Yes, an instruction permit is the same as a learner's permit.
It doesn't. Effective June 26, 2013, the US Military treats all married couples the same, whether they are same-sex or opposite-sex. As of that date, same-sex spouses of active-duty service members can be issued the same credentials that permit opposite-sex spouses to enter military bases unaccompanied.
I have a permit to drive this car. I'm about to get my permit.
Please permit me to answer this for you. You'll need a permit for that! My hunting permit expired last month.
Yes. A church that permits opposite-sex couples to marry, should also permit same-sex couples to marry.
Driving permit? Gun permit? Building permit?
Your permit to do what, and where?