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Q: What is germanium controlled rectifier?
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Why don't use germanium in silicon controlled rectifier?

the leakage current of silicon is less when compared with the leakage current of germanium.. hence scr's are made up of silicon than germanium.. hope tis one is useful to u all!- Vignesh.L(engineer, 1st year)

What is single phase Controlled rectifier?

such a control rectifier that control or rectifier single phase. for that purpose we used SCR that is called single phase controlled rectifier.

What is meant by 'OA' in OA79 and '1N' in 1N4001?

IN IN = 1N: Refers to the number of junctions (1N= 1 junction). O= Germanium, A= rectifier diode, so OA = germanium rectifier diode.

The conclusion of a silicon controlled rectifier?

conclusion of silicon control rectifier

What is SCR in drilling rig?

It is a silicon-controlled rectifier, converting AC to DC for use in drawworks, mud pumps, etc.:silicon-controlled-rectifier

What is the difference between controlled and uncontrolled rectifier?

A simple rectifier is a diode. It only has two terminals and will only allow electron flow in one direction only. A controlled rectifier (SCR=silicon controlled rectifier) has a third connection (gate). Which as the name suggests, is a gate that controls at which point the rectifier will work. It therefore has a level of control.There are various types and you would need the application specification, to get the best use of them.

Why Silicon Controlled Rectifier is called current controlled device?

Because it is controlled by the gate current

What is phase control?

such a control rectifier that control or rectifier single phase. for that purpose we used SCR that is called single phase controlled rectifier.

What is OA 79?

i think to make earth feel better visit my blog for more at OA79 represents Germanium diode. O = germanium, A= rectifier diode.

What is OA in OA79 diode?

In OA79, the letter A stands for rectifier diode and O stands for Germanium. It acts as a point contact germanium diode and also be replaced with 1N4148 depending on the circuit.

Why it is named silicon controlled rectifier?

i got no idea mate

What has the author R Wells written?

R. Wells has written: 'International trading' 'Silicon and germanium power rectifier technology'