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Q: What is fullform of udp?
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What protocol uses udp?

DNS uses both TCP and UDP, also a lot of online chats use UDP. I think even when you want videos on YouTube UDP is used to deliver video and audio.

Why is UDP considered unreliable?

Routers Drop a lot of UDP packets

Udp is which layer protocol?

UDP is a layer 4 (transport) protocol.

What kind of packet does a client use to close UDP?

UDP is a connectionless protocol, so there is no session to close. UDP is not expecting any particular packet, so opening and closing via UDP is not necessary.

What is the fullform of WHO?

Fullform of WHO is World Health Organization.

What are the Differences between IP and UDP protocols?

1. IP works at network layer, UDP works at transport layer. 2. UDP carries application data, IP carries TCP segments or UDP datagrams.