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Usually a charge that is made against someone who "fences" or 'deals in' stolen goods.

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Q: What is felony theft by receiving?
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What happens if you purchase a stolen motorcycle?

This is called theft by receiving. The penalties for this felony crime are the same as if you stole the bike yourself. You are responsible for making sure you are not purchasing stolen items, therefore the theft by receiving charges.

Are felony theft and Grand Theft Auto the same?

Grand theft auto is simply a type of felony theft.

Is felony theft a extradition crime?

It certainly might be. FELONY theft especially.

Is identity theft a felony?

Identity theft is a felony in all states. It is considered a Class C felony.

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Felony theft and misdemeanor theft in Illinois?

In many states the difference between felony and misdemeanor theft is whether the theft was above or under $500.

Is felony theft the same as Grand Theft Auto yes or no?

no grand theft auto is just stealing cars, but felony theft is stealing anything.

In Florida what is the minimum dollar amount on felony theft?

Felony Theft in Florida is $300.00, Felony Theft Level varies by state, in Texas, the dollar amount is $1500.00, in Wisconsin, it is $2500.00

Is theft scheming a felony?

If the theft itself rose to a felony level, then so would the conspiracy charge. If not, no.

What are theft's?

The dollar amount for felony theft can vary state-to-state. Any theft that exceeds the dollar amount that the law sets as a threshhold would be considered a felony theft.

Is conspircacy theft scheme a felony?

If the theft itself rose to a felony level, then so would the conspiracy charge. If not, no.

What are theft felonys?

The dollar amount for felony theft can vary state-to-state. Any theft that exceeds the dollar amount that the law sets as a threshhold would be considered a felony theft.