The graph is the the actual picture that shows the resource allocation; the algorithm is the method used to produce that graph.
labour does actual work & entrepreneurship integrated land, labour and capital to contribute in production.
Constant opportunity cost refers to a situation where the cost of producing one more unit of a good remains the same. Increasing opportunity cost occurs when the cost of producing one more unit of a good increases as more units are produced. In decision-making for resource allocation, constant opportunity cost allows for easier decision-making as the trade-offs remain consistent. On the other hand, increasing opportunity cost makes decision-making more complex as the trade-offs become more significant with each additional unit produced. This can lead to more careful consideration and evaluation of resource allocation decisions.
The utility possibility frontier is a concept that shows the maximum level of satisfaction or utility that can be achieved with the available resources. It impacts decision-making in resource allocation by helping individuals or organizations make choices that maximize utility within the constraints of limited resources. By understanding the trade-offs between different options, decision-makers can allocate resources in a way that maximizes overall satisfaction or utility.
The PPF equation, or Production Possibility Frontier, shows the maximum possible combinations of two goods that an economy can produce given its resources and technology. It helps to illustrate the trade-offs between producing one good over another, highlighting the concept of scarcity and the need to make choices in resource allocation. By analyzing the PPF, economists can understand the opportunity cost of producing one good instead of another, and make informed decisions about resource allocation and economic efficiency.
Resource allocation refers to the process of assigning resources while resource control refers to managing and regulating resources usage to ensure adherence to allocation plans.
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difference between serch data structure and allocation data structure
In Wait for Graph the request edge is a directed edge Pi → Pj which indicates that process Pj is holding a resource that process Pi needs and thus Pi is waiting for Pj to release its lock on that resource. It does not have any allocation edge.In case of Resource Allocation Graph the request edge is a directed edge Pi → Rj which indicates that process Pi is requesting resource Rj. It has an allocation edge from Rj→Pk when the resource Rj is allocated to process Pk.The way the graphs are drawn are also different but both of them are used in deadlock detection.
there is no difference
A Method that used to be a comouter to soultion of promlems is called algorithm.
A procedure can go on forever.Where as an Algorithm, will eventually terminate and will have each step precisely defined.
the basic difference between them is that in greedy algorithm only one decision sequence is ever generated. where as in dynamic programming many decision sequences are generated.
what is difference between mid-point and bresenhams circle algorithm what is difference between mid-point and bresenhams circle algorithm bresenhams circle algorithm results in a much more smoother circle,comparred to midpoint circle algorithm..In mid point,decision parameter depends on previous decision parameter and corresponding pixels whereas in bresenham decision parameter only depends on previous decision parameter...