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depends on the context Used as a noun: # An ornamental melody or counterpoint sung or played above a theme. # The highest part sung in part music. # A discussion or discourse on a theme. used as a verb: # To comment at length; discourse.

To sing or play a descant; To sing melodiously

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Q: What is descants?
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of Grind, The surface of the earth; the outer crust of the globe, or some indefinite portion of it., A floor or pavement supposed to rest upon the earth., Any definite portion of the earth's surface; region; territory; country. Hence: A territory appropriated to, or resorted to, for a particular purpose; the field or place of action; as, a hunting or fishing ground; a play ground., Land; estate; possession; field; esp. (pl.), the gardens, lawns, fields, etc., belonging to a homestead; as, the grounds of the estate are well kept., The basis on which anything rests; foundation. Hence: The foundation of knowledge, belief, or conviction; a premise, reason, or datum; ultimate or first principle; cause of existence or occurrence; originating force or agency; as, the ground of my hope., That surface upon which the figures of a composition are set, and which relieves them by its plainness, being either of one tint or of tints but slightly contrasted with one another; as, crimson Bowers on a white ground., In sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are raised in relief., In point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the embroidered pattern is applied; as, Brussels ground. See Brussels lace, under Brussels., A gummy composition spread over the surface of a metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except where an opening is made by the needle., One of the pieces of wood, flush with the plastering, to which moldings, etc., are attached; -- usually in the plural., A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to a varying melody., The tune on which descants are raised; the plain song., A conducting connection with the earth, whereby the earth is made part of an electrical circuit., Sediment at the bottom of liquors or liquids; dregs; lees; feces; as, coffee grounds., The pit of a theater., To lay, set, or run, on the ground., To found; to fix or set, as on a foundation, reason, or principle; to furnish a ground for; to fix firmly., To instruct in elements or first principles., To connect with the ground so as to make the earth a part of an electrical circuit., To cover with a ground, as a copper plate for etching (see Ground, n., 5); or as paper or other materials with a uniform tint as a preparation for ornament., To run aground; to strike the bottom and remain fixed; as, the ship grounded on the bar., imp. & p. p. of Grind.

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sejant, shanti, shanty, slants, slanty, sonant, tantra, tenant, truant, tyrant, vacant, volant, wanted, wanter, wanton, yantra7-letter wordsabeyant, acanthi, adamant, affiant, andante, antacid, antefix, anteing, antenna, anthems, anthers, anthill, anthoid, anthrax, antiars, antibug, anticar, anticks, anticly, antifat, antigay, antigen, antigun, antijam, antilog, antiman, antings, antipot, antique, antired, antisag, antisex, antitax, antiwar, antlers, antlike, antlion, antonym, antrums, antsier, bantams, banters, banties, bezants, bezzant, blatant, brisant, buoyant, byzants, callant, cantala, cantata, cantdog, canteen, canters, canthal, canthus, cantina, canting, cantles, cantons, cantors, cantrap, cantrip, chanted, chanter, chantey, chantor, chantry, clamant, coolant, coranto, courant, currant, decants, defiant, descant, deviant, discant, distant, dopants, dormant, elegant, eluants, enchant, entrant, errants, etchant, explant, fantail, fantasm, fantast, fantasy, fantods, fantoms, fondant, formant, frantic, gallant, gantlet, gardant, gelants, gellant, granted, grantee, granter, grantor, hanting, hantles, hydrant, implant, incants, infanta, infante, infants, instant, intrant, issuant, iterant, jessant, jurants, kantars, kantele, lantana, lantern, levants, manteau, mantels, mantids, mantled, mantles, mantlet, mantrap, mantras, mantric, mantuas, maranta, mediant, migrant, mordant, mutants, octants, odorant, operant, oxidant, pageant, panther, panties, pantile, panting, pantoum, passant, peasant, peccant, pedants, pendant, pennant, phantom, piquant, pissant, plantar, planted, planter, pulsant, quantal, quanted, quantic, quantum, radiant, rampant, ranters, ranting, reboant, recants, regnant, regrant, reliant, remnant, replant, reptant, riantly, saltant, santimi, santims, santirs, santols, santour, santurs, savants, scanted, scanter, scantly, sealant, seawant, secants, sejeant, servant, sextant, shantey, shantih, shantis, slanted, sonants, spirant, statant, tantara, tantivy, tantras, tantric, tantrum, tenants, titrant, truants, tyrants, ululant, unmeant, vagrant, valiant, vantage, variant, verdant, versant, vibrant, volante, wantage, wanters, wanting, wantons, warrant, xanthan, xanthic, xanthin, yantras8-letter wordsaberrant, abradant, absonant, abundant, acanthus, accusant, adamants, adjutant, adjuvant, affiants, aliquant, alterant, amaranth, ambulant, amiantus, andantes, antacids, antalgic, anteater, antecede, antedate, antefixa, antelope, antennae, antennal, antennas, antepast, anterior, anteroom, antetype, antevert, anthelia, anthelix, anthemed, anthemia, antheral, antherid, antheses, anthesis, anthills, anthodia, antiarin, antiatom, antibias, antibody, antiboss, anticity, anticked, anticold, anticult, antidora, antidote, antifoam, antigene, antigens, antihero, antiking, antileak, antileft, antilife, antilogs, antilogy, antimale, antimask, antimere, antimony, antinode, antinomy, antinuke, antiphon, antipill, antipode, antipole, antipope, antipyic, antiqued, antiquer, antiques, antirape, antiriot, antiroll, antirust, antisera, antiship, antiskid, antislip, antismog, antismut, antisnob, antistat, antitank, antitype, antiwear, antiweed, antlered, antlions, antonyms, antonymy, antrorse, antsiest, arrantly, arrogant, ashplant, aspirant, assonant, atlantes, bacchant, bantered, banterer, bantling, bezzants, bouffant, brantail, callants, cantalas, cantatas, cantdogs, canteens, cantered, canticle, cantinas, cantonal, cantoned, cantraip, cantraps, cantrips, chantage, chanters, chanteys, chanties, chanting, chantors, cilantro, claimant, colorant, constant, coolants, corantos, corybant, cosecant, cotenant, couchant, courante, couranto, courants, covenant, currants, debutant, decanted, decanter, descants, deviants, diamante, dianthus, dilatant, discants, displant, dominant, eggplant, elephant, emigrant, enchants, entrants, equitant, errantly, errantry, etchants, evacuant, exanthem, excitant, exhalant, explants, exsecant, exultant, faineant, fantails, fantasia, fantasie, fantasms, fantasts, figurant, flagrant, flippant, fondants, formants, fragrant, fumigant, galavant, galivant, gallants, gantlets, gantline, gantlope, gantries, gellants, giantess, giantism, gigantic, grantees, granters, granting, grantors, grievant, guaranty, guardant, habitant, hesitant, hydranth, hydrants, ignorant, implants, incanted, incitant, indicant, inerrant, infantas, infantes, infantry, inhalant, instants, insulant, insurant, intrants, inundant, irritant, jubilant, kanteles, lantanas, lanterns, lanthorn, levanted, levanter, libelant, litigant, manteaus, manteaux, mantelet, mantilla, mantises, mantissa, mantlets, mantling, mantraps, marantas, meantime, mediants, merchant, migrants, militant, misplant, mordants, natantly, nauseant, obeisant, occupant, octantal, odorants, operants, oppilant, oscitant, osculant, oxidants, pageants, pantheon, panthers, pantiled, pantiles, pantofle, pantoums, pantries, pantsuit, parlante, peasants, pedantic, pedantry, penchant, pendants, pennants, perianth, permeant, petulant, phantasm, phantast, phantasy, phantoms, pheasant, pieplant, pissants, plantain, planters, planting, plantlet, pleasant, pliantly, poignant, pregnant, preplant, puissant, pursuant, quadrant, quantics, quantify, quantile, quanting, quantity, quantize, quantong, radiants, reactant, recanted, recanter, recreant, recusant, regrants, relaxant, relevant, remnants, replants, resonant, retirant, revenant, roborant, romantic, ruminant, rutilant, santalic, santalol, santonin, santours, saturant, scantest, scantier, scanties, scantily, scanting, sealants, seawants, secantly, semantic, sergeant, serjeant, servants, setenant, sextants, shanteys, shanties, shantihs, shantung, sibilant, simulant, slanting, sonantal, sonantic, sonorant, sovranty, spirants, stagnant, supplant, tantalic, tantalum, tantalus, tantaras, tantrums, tarantas, tenanted, tenantry, titrants, tolerant, toxicant, truanted, truantry, undulant, unpliant, unwanted, urticant, vacantly, vagrants, valiants, vantages, variants, vegetant, versants, vesicant, vibrants, vigilant, visitant, volitant, wantages, wantoned, wantoner, wantonly, warrants, warranty, waxplant, xanthans, xanthate, xanthein, xanthene, xanthine, xanthins, xanthoma, xanthone, xanthous9-letter wordsaberrants, abradants, absorbant, acceptant, accordant, accusants, adamantly, adjutants, adjuvants, advantage, ailanthus, allantoic, allantoin, allantois, allegiant, alterants, amaranths, andantino, annuitant, antalgics, antarctic, anteaters, anteceded, antecedes, antechoir, antedated, antedates, antefixae, antefixes, antelopes, antenatal, antennule, antepasts, anterooms, antetypes, anteverts, anthelion, antheming, anthemion, antherids, anthocyan, anthodium, anthology, anthozoan, anthraces, anthropic, anthurium, antiaging, antialien, antiarins, antiatoms, antiauxin, antiblack, antically, anticking, anticline, anticling, anticodon, anticrack, anticrime, antidotal, antidoted, antidotes, antidraft, antielite, antifraud, antigenes, antigenic, antiglare, antihuman, antikings, antiknock, antilabor, antimacho, antimasks, antimeres, antimycin, antinodal, antinodes, antinoise, antinomic, antinovel, antipapal, antiparty, antipasti, antipasto, antipathy, antiphons, antiphony, antipodal, antipodes, antipoles, antipopes, antipress, antipyics, antiquark, antiquary, antiquate, antiquers, antiquing, antiquity, antiradar, antirusts, antisense, antiserum, antishark, antishock, antisleep, antismoke, antisolar, antistate, antistick, antistory, antitheft, antitoxic, antitoxin, antitrust, antitumor, antitypes, antiulcer, antiunion, antiurban, antivenin, antiviral, antivirus, antiwhite, antiwoman, antonymic, appellant, appendant, applicant, arrestant, ascendant, ashplants, aspirants, assailant, assistant, assonants, attendant, bacchante, bacchants, banterers, bantering, bantlings, benignant, blatantly, bouffants, brantails, brilliant, buoyantly, byzantine, cantabile, cantaloup, cantering, cantharis, canticles, cantilena, cantoning, cantorial, cantraips, celebrant, chantages, chanteuse, chantries, chatoyant, cilantros, claimants, clamantly, clinquant, coagulant, cognizant, colorants, combatant, compliant, confidant, conjugant, consonant, constants, corantoes, cormorant, corposant, coruscant, corybants, cosecants, cotenants, courantes, courantos, covariant, covenants, crepitant, croissant, culminant, debutante, debutants, decanters, decanting, declarant, defendant, defiantly, defoliant, demandant, demantoid, deodorant, dependant, descanted, desiccant, diamantes, dilatants, discanted, dismantle, displants, disputant, dissonant, distantly, dominants, eggplants, eglantine, elegantly, elephants, emigrants, enchanted, enchanter, evacuants, examinant, exanthema, exanthems, excitants, executant, exhalants, expectant, explanted, exsecants, exuberant, fabricant, faineants, fantasias, fantasied, fantasies, fantasise, fantasist, fantasize, fantastic, figurants, fluctuant, fulgurant, fulminant, fumigants, galantine, galavants, galivants, gallanted, gallantly, gallantry, gallivant, gantelope, gantleted, gantlines, gantlopes, geomantic, giantisms, giantlike, gigantism, grantable, grantsman, grantsmen, grievants, guarantee, guarantor, guardants, habitants, humectant, hydranths, hypanthia, immigrant, implanted, implanter, important, incanting, incessant, incitants, indicants, indignant, inebriant, inelegant, infantile, infantine, infestant, informant, inhalants, injectant, inoculant, instanter, instantly, insulants, insurants, intendant, intrigant, invariant, irritants, itinerant, lanthanum, lanthorns, leadplant, levanters, levanting, libelants, libellant, litigants, lubricant, luxuriant, malignant, mantelets, manticore, mantillas, mantissas, mantlings, meantimes, mendicant, merchants, militants, miscreant, mishanter, misplants, mordanted, mordantly, nauseants, negotiant, nonextant, nonmutant, nurturant, obscurant, observant, occupants, officiant, operantly, overplant, pageantry, palpitant, pantalets, pantalone, pantaloon, pantdress, pantheism, pantheist, pantheons, pantofles, pantomime, pantropic, pantryman, pantrymen, pantsuits, peasantry, peccantly, penchants, penetrant, perianths, phantasma, phantasms, phantasts, pheasants, pieplants, piquantly, plantable, plantains, plantings, plantlets, plantlike, plantsman, plantsmen, pollutant, polyantha, polyanthi, postulant, procreant, pustulant, quadrants, quantiles, quantized, quantizer, quantizes, quantongs, radiantly, rampantly, rantingly, reactants, recanters, recanting, recreants, recusants, reductant, redundant, reentrant, regardant, regranted, reimplant, relaxants, reliantly, reluctant, repellant, repentant, replanted, repugnant, resistant, resonants, resultant, retardant, retirants, revenants, revertant, roborants, romantics, ruminants, santalols, santolina, santonins, saturants, scantiest, scantling, scantness, segregant, semantics, sergeants, sergeanty, serjeants, serjeanty, setenants, shantungs, shantyman, shantymen, sibilants, simulants, slantways, slantwise, sonorants, sterilant, stimulant, subtenant, supplants, suppliant, susurrant, sycophant, tantalate, tantalise, tantalite, tantalize, tantalums, tantivies, tarantism, tarantula, tenanting, termagant, toxicants, tremulant, trenchant, trepidant, truanting, ungallant, urticants, vagrantly, valiantly, verdantly, vesicants, vibrantly, vicariant, vigilante, visitants, wantoners, wantoning, warranted, warrantee, warranter, warrantor, waxplants, xanthates, xantheins, xanthenes, xanthines, xanthomas, xanthones10-letter wordsaberrantly, absorbants, abundantly, acanthuses, accelerant, accountant, adamantine, adulterant, advantaged, advantages, agapanthus, allantoins, amantadine, amiantuses, andantinos, annuitants, antagonism, antagonist, antagonize, antebellum, antecedent, anteceding, antecessor, antechapel, antechoirs, antedating, antemortem, antennular, antennules, antependia, antepenult, anteriorly, anteverted, anthelices, anthelions, anthelixes, antheridia, anthocyans, anthozoans, anthracene, anthracite, anthropoid, anthuriums, antianemia, antiasthma, antiauxins, antibioses, antibiosis, antibiotic, antibodies, antibusing, anticaking, anticancer, anticaries, antichurch, anticipant, anticipate, anticlimax, anticlinal, anticlines, anticodons, antidoting, antidromic, antiemetic, antierotic, antifamily, antifemale, antifreeze, antifungal, antigrowth, antiheroes, antiheroic, antiherpes, antihijack, antihunter, antiknocks, antilitter, antilogies, antimarket, antimatter, antimerger, antimodern, antimonial, antimonide, antimonies, antimycins, antinature, antinausea, antinomian, antinomies, antinovels, antiphonal, antipiracy, antiplague, antiplaque, antipodals, antipodean, antipoetic, antipolice, antiproton, antipyrine, antiquarks, antiquated, antiquates, antirabies, antiracism, antiracist, antireform, antisepses, antisepsis, antiseptic, antiserums, antisexist, antisexual, antismoker, antisocial, antistatic, antistress, antistrike, antitheses, antithesis, antithetic, antitoxins, antitrades, antivenins, antonymies, antonymous, appellants, appendants, applicants, arrestants, arrogantly, ascendants, assailants, assistants, assonantal, attendants, attractant, bacchantes, brigantine, brilliants, cantaloupe, cantaloups, cantatrice, cantatrici, cantilenas, cantilever, cantillate, cantonment, celebrants, chanteuses, chatoyants, clinquants, coagulants, codominant, coelacanth, cohabitant, combatants, commandant, concordant, confidante, confidants, congregant, conjugants, consonants, constantan, constantly, consultant, contestant, continuant, conversant, convulsant, cormorants, corposants, corybantes, corybantic, courantoes, covenantal, covenanted, covenantee, covenanter, covenantor, croissants, debutantes, declarants, defendants, defoliants, demandants, demantoids, denaturant, deodorants, dependants, depressant, descanting, descendant, desiccants, detoxicant, dianthuses, dilettante, dilettanti, discanting, discordant, discrepant, discussant, disenchant, dismantled, dismantles, dispersant, displanted, disputants, dominantly, eglantines, enantiomer, enchanters, enchanting, errantries, euphoriant, examinants, exanthemas, executants, exorbitant, expectants, explanting, exultantly, fabricants, fantasised, fantasises, fantasists, fantasized, fantasizer, fantasizes, fantastico, fantastics, fantasying, fantoccini, flagellant, flagrantly, flamboyant, flippantly, flocculant, fragrantly, galantines, galavanted, galivanted, gallanting, gallivants, gantelopes, gantleting, gargantuan, giantesses, gigantisms, guaranteed, guarantees, guarantied, guaranties, guarantors, hamantasch, hesitantly, hierophant, houseplant, humectants, hypanthium, ignorantly, illuminant, immigrants, implanters, implanting, impregnant, impuissant, incogitant, inconstant, inebriants, infantries, infestants, informants, inhabitant, injectants, inoculants, insouciant, intendants, interplant, intolerant, intoxicant, intrigants, intriguant, invariants, irrelevant, isoantigen, itinerants, jubilantly, lanthanide, lanthanums, leadplants, libellants, lieutenant, lubricants, manservant, manticores, mendicants, mercantile, merchanted, militantly, ministrant, miscreants, mishanters, misplanted, mordanting, multiplant, negotiants, nonchalant, nondeviant, nondormant, nonmigrant, nonmutants, obeisantly, obscurants, observants, officiants, overmantel, overplants, pantalones, pantaloons, pantheisms, pantheists, pantograph, pantomimed, pantomimes, pantomimic, pantsuited, pantywaist, pedantries, penetrants, petulantly, phantasied, phantasies, phantasmal, phantasmic, plainchant, plantation, pleasanter, pleasantly, pleasantry, pliantness, poignantly, pollutants, polyanthas, polyanthus, postulants, pregnantly, propellant, protectant, protestant, pursuivant, pustulants, pyracantha, quadrantal, quadrantes, quantified, quantifier, quantifies, quantitate, quantities, quantizers, quantizing, quarantine, reductants, reentrants, registrant, regranting, reimplants, relevantly, repellants, replanting, resemblant, resistants, resonantly, restaurant, resultants, retardants, retreatant, revertants, ruminantly, santolinas, scantiness, scantlings, segregants, semantical, shantytown, sibilantly, slantingly, solicitant, sovranties, stagnantly, sterilants, stimulants, submediant, subtenants, supergiant, supplanted, supplanter, suppliants, supplicant, surfactant, sweatpants, sycophants, tantalates, tantalised, tantalises, tantalites, tantalized, tantalizer, tantalizes, tantaluses, tantamount, tarantases, tarantella, tarantisms, tarantulae, tarantulas, tenantable, tenantless, tenantries, termagants, tolerantly, topgallant, tragacanth, transplant, triumphant, trochanter, truantries, unarrogant, underpants, unpedantic, unpleasant, unpregnant, unromantic, untenanted, vacantness, vicariants, vigilantes, vigilantly, vociferant, wantonness, warrantees, warranters, warranties, warranting, warrantors, xanthomata11-letter wordsaccelerants, accordantly, accountants, adulterants, advantaging, ailanthuses, allantoides, alloantigen, amantadines, amaranthine, antagonisms, antagonists, antagonized, antagonizes, antecedence, antecedents, antecessors, antechamber, antechapels, antenatally, antenuptial, antependium, antepenults, anteverting, antheridial, antheridium, anthocyanin, anthologies, anthologist, anthologize, anthracenes, anthracites, anthracitic, anthracnose, anthropical, anthropoids, antialcohol, antianxiety, antibiotics, antiboycott, antiburglar, anticipants, anticipated, anticipates, anticipator, anticruelty, anticyclone, antidotally, antidumping, antielitism, antielitist, antiemetics, antifascism, antifascist, antifashion, antifatigue, antifoaming, antifogging, antiforeign, antifouling, antifreezes, antifungals, antigravity, antiheroine, antihunting, antijamming, antileprosy, antiliberal, antilogical, antimalaria, antimatters, antimissile, antimitotic, antimoderns, antimonials, antimonides, antimusical, antinatural, antinatures, antineutron, antinomians, antinuclear, antinucleon, antiobesity, antioxidant, antiozonant, antipathies, antiphonals, antiphonary, antiphonies, antiphrases, antiphrasis, antiplagues, antipodeans, antipopular, antipoverty, antiprotons, antipyretic, antipyrines, antiquarian, antiquaries, antiquating, antiquation, antiquities, antiracisms, antiracists, antiradical, antirealism, antirealist, antirrhinum, antiscience, antisecrecy, antiseizure, antiseptics, antisexists, antislavery, antismokers, antismoking, antistories, antistrophe, antistudent, antisubsidy, antisuicide, antitarnish, antithyroid, antitobacco, antitruster, antitumoral, antitussive, antityphoid, antivitamin, antiwelfare, antiwhaling, antiwrinkle, antonomasia, appurtenant, ascendantly, attractants, banteringly, benignantly, brigantines, brilliantly, cantaloupes, cantatrices, cantharides, cantharidin, cantilevers, cantillated, cantillates, cantonments, chanterelle, chanticleer, clairvoyant, codefendant, codominants, coelacanths, cohabitants, commandants, communicant, complainant, complaisant, compliantly, concomitant, confidantes, conflagrant, congregants, consonantal, consonantly, constantans, consultants, contaminant, contestants, continuants, convulsants, corroborant, covenantees, covenanters, covenanting, covenantors, decantation, denaturants, depressants, descendants, determinant, detoxicants, dilettantes, discussants, disenchants, dismantling, dispersants, displanting, disquantity, dissonantly, distantness, elephantine, enantiomers, enchantment, enchantress, equidistant, equilibrant, euphoriants, exanthemata, expectantly, expectorant, extravagant, exuberantly, fantabulous, fantasising, fantasizers, fantasizing, fantastical, fantasyland, flagellants, flamboyants, flocculants, frantically, franticness, fucoxanthin, galavanting, galivanting, gallantries, gallivanted, geanticline, gesticulant, gigantesque, guarantying, hierophants, houseplants, illuminants, implantable, importantly, impregnants, incantation, incantatory, incessantly, incognizant, incompliant, inconsonant, indignantly, inelegantly, infanticide, infantilism, infantility, infantilize, infantryman, infantrymen, inhabitants, inobservant, instantiate, instantness, interactant, interplants, intoxicants, intriguants, isoantibody, isoantigens, itinerantly, lanthanides, lieutenants, luxuriantly, lycanthropy, maidservant, malignantly, manifestant, mantelpiece, mantelshelf, matriculant, menservants, merchanting, merchantman, merchantmen, ministrants, misanthrope, misanthropy, misplanting, necromantic, nonconstant, nondeviants, nondominant, nonirritant, nonmigrants, nonmilitant, nonpregnant, nonrelevant, nonresonant, nonruminant, obscurantic, observantly, overmantels, overplanted, pageantries, pantalettes, pantdresses, pantheistic, pantographs, pantomiming, pantomimist, pantropical, pantywaists, participant, peasantries, phantasmata, phantasying, phantomlike, piquantness, plainchants, plantations, plantigrade, plantocracy, pleasantest, pococurante, portmanteau, precipitant, predominant, preplanting, preromantic, propellants, protectants, protestants, protuberant, pursuivants, pyracanthas, quantifiers, quantifying, quantitated, quantitates, quarantined, quarantines, recantation, recombinant, redundantly, refrigerant, registrants, reimplanted, reluctantly, remonstrant, repentantly, repugnantly, restaurants, resultantly, retreatants, reverberant, romanticise, romanticism, romanticist, romanticize, scantnesses, scintillant, semanticist, sergeanties, serjeanties, servanthood, servantless, shantytowns, significant, solicitants, subdominant, submediants, substantial, substantive, supergiants, supernatant, supplanters, supplanting, suppliantly, supplicants, suppressant, surfactants, surveillant, sycophantic, sycophantly, tantalising, tantalizers, tantalizing, tarantellas, topgallants, tragacanths, transhumant, transplants, trenchantly, trochanters, unbrilliant, undertenant, unenchanted, ungallantly, unimportant, unreluctant, unrepentant, unresistant, unwarranted, valiantness, vigilantism, warrantable, warrantably, warrantless, xanthophyll, zoantharian12-letter wordsadministrant, advantageous, agapanthuses, alloantibody, alloantigens, antagonistic, antagonizing, antecedences, antecedently, antechambers, antediluvian, antependiums, anthelmintic, anthocyanins, anthological, anthologists, anthologized, anthologizer, anthologizes, anthophilous, anthracnoses, anthranilate, anthropology, antiabortion, antiacademic, antiaircraft, antibacklash, antiblackism, antiboycotts, antiburglary, antibusiness, anticipating, anticipation, anticipators, anticipatory, anticlerical, anticlimaxes, anticlotting, anticolonial, anticonsumer, anticreative, anticultural, anticyclones, anticyclonic, antidandruff, antidiabetic, antidilution, antidogmatic, antieconomic, antielectron, antielitisms, antielitists, antientropic, antiepilepsy, antiestrogen, antifascisms, antifascists, antifashions, antifeminine, antifeminism, antifeminist, antifriction, antigambling, antigenicity, antiglobulin, antiheroines, antihumanism, antihuntings, antihysteric, antikickback, antileukemic, antiliberals, antiliterate, antilynching, antimacassar, antimagnetic, antimalarial, antimilitary, antimissiles, antimitotics, antimonopoly, antimosquito, antinational, antinepotism, antineutrino, antineutrons, antinovelist, antinucleons, antioxidants, antiozonants, antiparallel, antiparticle, antipathetic, antiphonally, antipiracies, antipleasure, antipoaching, antipolitics, antipredator, antipruritic, antipyretics, antiquarians, antiquations, antirachitic, antirational, antirealisms, antirealists, antireligion, antiromantic, antiroyalist, antirrhinums, antisciences, antisocially, antispending, antistrophes, antistrophic, antitakeover, antithetical, antithrombin, antitrusters, antitussives, antiviolence, antivitamins, antonomasias, appurtenants, autoantibody, bantamweight, bipropellant, brilliantine, cantankerous, cantharidins, cantilevered, cantillating, cantillation, chanterelles, chanticleers, clairvoyants, codefendants, communicants, complainants, concelebrant, concomitants, concordantly, contaminants, cosurfactant, decantations, decongestant, determinants, dilettantish, dilettantism, disadvantage, discordantly, discrepantly, discriminant, disenchanted, disenchanter, disinfectant, disinfestant, enantiomeric, enantiomorph, enchantingly, enchantments, equilibrants, exanthematic, exorbitantly, expectorants, explantation, fantasticate, fantasticoes, fantasylands, flamboyantly, fucoxanthins, gallivanting, geanticlines, gigantically, guaranteeing, hamantaschen, hierophantic, hypoxanthine, ignorantness, implantation, incantations, inconstantly, infanticidal, infanticides, infantilisms, infantilized, infantilizes, insouciantly, instantiated, instantiates, interactants, interplanted, intolerantly, irrelevantly, isoantigenic, maidservants, manifestants, mantelpieces, matriculants, mercantilism, mercantilist, merchantable, militantness, misanthropes, misanthropic, misdemeanant, nonantigenic, nonchalantly, noncombatant, nonconstants, nondominants, nonimmigrant, nonmalignant, nonmilitants, nonobservant, nonredundant, nonresistant, nonruminants, obscurantism, obscurantist, overabundant, overdominant, overplanting, pantechnicon, pantisocracy, pantographic, pantomimists, pantothenate, participants, pedantically, phenanthrene, philanthropy, plantigrades, pleasantness, pleasantries, pliantnesses, polyanthuses, portmanteaus, portmanteaux, postromantic, precipitants, premalignant, preponderant, quantifiable, quantitating, quantitation, quantitative, quantization, quarantining, recalcitrant, recantations, recombinants, refrigerants, rehabilitant, reimplanting, remonstrants, replantation, romantically, romanticised, romanticises, romanticisms, romanticists, romanticized, romanticizes, scantinesses, semantically, semanticists, semidominant, servanthoods, somnambulant, strophanthin, subantarctic, subdebutante, subdominants, substantials, substantiate, substantival, substantives, supernatants, suppressants, surveillants, sycophantish, sycophantism, tradescantia, transductant, transhumants, transplanted, transplanter, triumphantly, trochanteral, trochanteric, ultradistant, uncovenanted, undertenants, unflamboyant, unpleasantly, vacantnesses, vigilantisms, wantonnesses, xanthophylls, zoantharians, zooxanthella13-letter wordsadministrants, antediluvians, antepenultima, anthelmintics, anthologizers, anthologizing, anthophyllite, anthranilates, anthraquinone, anthropogenic, anthropometry, anthropomorph, anthropophagi, anthropophagy, anthroposophy, antiacademics, antiaircrafts, antiapartheid, antiarthritic, antiarthritis, antiauthority, antibacterial, antibillboard, antiblackisms, antibourgeois, anticellulite, anticigarette, anticipatable, anticipations, anticlassical, anticlericals, anticlimactic, anticlockwise, anticoagulant, anticollision, anticommunism, anticommunist, anticonsumers, anticorporate, anticorrosion, anticorrosive, antidesiccant, antidiabetics, antidiarrheal, antielectrons, antiepileptic, antiestrogens, antievolution, antifeminisms, antifeminists, antifertility, antiforeigner, antiformalist, antifrictions, antigenically, antiglobulins, antigravities, antiguerrilla, antihistamine, antihumanisms, antihysterics, antiliterates, antilittering, antilogarithm, antimacassars, antimalarials, antimarijuana, antimechanist, antimetabolic, antimicrobial, antimodernist, antinarrative, antinepotisms, antineutrinos, antinomianism, antinovelists, antiobesities, antiobscenity, antiparasitic, antiparticles, antipersonnel, antipesticide, antiphonaries, antipleasures, antipolitical, antipollution, antipredators, antipsychotic, antirecession, antirejection, antireligious, antirheumatic, antiritualism, antiromantics, antiroyalists, antisatellite, antiscorbutic, antisexuality, antislaveries, antismuggling, antisocialist, antispasmodic, antisubmarine, antisymmetric, antitakeovers, antiterrorism, antiterrorist, antithrombins, assistantship, bantamweights, bipropellants, brilliantines, canthaxanthin, cantilevering, cantillations, chrysanthemum, clairvoyantly, complaisantly, concelebrants, concomitantly, cosurfactants, decongestants, determinantal, dilettantisms, disadvantaged, disadvantages, discriminants, disenchanters, disenchanting, disinfectants, disinfestants, dismantlement, disquantitied, disquantities, distantnesses, elephantiases, elephantiasis, enantiomorphs, enchantresses, equidistantly, equiponderant, exanthematous, explantations, extravagantly, fantastically, fantasticated, fantasticates, flagellantism, franticnesses, grantsmanship, hyperromantic, hypervigilant, hypoxanthines, implantations, incantational, infantilities, infantilizing, insignificant, instantaneity, instantaneous, instantiating, instantiation, instantnesses, insubstantial, interplanting, intransigeant, introgressant, isoantibodies, lycanthropies, mantelshelves, mercantilisms, mercantilists, misanthropies, misdemeanants, nonantibiotic, noncombatants, nonimmigrants, nonintoxicant, nonresistants, obscurantisms, obscurantists, overexuberant, pantechnicons, pantheistical, pantisocratic, pantothenates, phenanthrenes, philanthropic, piquantnesses, plantocracies, pococurantism, postdebutante, precipitantly, predominantly, protuberantly, quantitations, quantizations, recalcitrants, rehabilitants, remonstrantly, replantations, restauranteur, reverberantly, rhadamanthine, romanticising, romanticizing, scintillantly, significantly, strophanthins, subdebutantes, sublieutenant, substantially, substantiated, substantiates, substantively, substantivize, superabundant, supermilitant, superromantic, supplantation, sycophantisms, tantalizingly, tradescantias, transatlantic, transductants, transplanters, transplanting, ultramilitant, ultraromantic, unanticipated, unrepentantly, unsubstantial, unwarrantable, unwarrantably, valiantnesses, zooxanthellae14-letter wordsaccountantship, advantageously, alloantibodies, antepenultimas, anthophyllites, anthraquinones, anthropologies, anthropologist, anthropometric, anthropomorphs, anthropophagus, antiaggression, antialcoholism, antiallergenic, antiapartheids, antiarrhythmic, antiarthritics, antibacterials, antibiotically, anticapitalism, anticapitalist, anticarcinogen, anticensorship, anticoagulants, anticommercial, anticommunisms, anticommunists, anticonvulsant, anticonvulsive, anticorruption, antidefamation, antidemocratic, antidepressant, antidepression, antiderivative, antidesiccants, antidromically, antiepileptics, antifilibuster, antiformalists, antigenicities, antigovernment, antiguerrillas, antihistamines, antihistaminic, antihistorical, antihomosexual, antihumanistic, antiliberalism, antilogarithms, antimanagement, antimechanists, antimetabolics, antimetabolite, antimicrobials, antimilitarism, antimilitarist, antimodernists, antimonarchist, antimonopolist, antineoplastic, antinomianisms, antiperspirant, antiphlogistic, antipollutions, antipsychotics, antiquarianism, antiradicalism, antirecessions, antireflection, antireflective, antiregulatory, antirheumatics, antiritualisms, antiscientific, antiscorbutics, antiseparatist, antiseptically, antisocialists, antispasmodics, antisubversion, antisubversive, antisyphilitic, antitechnology, antiterrorisms, antiterrorists, antithetically, antitubercular, antiuniversity, assistantships, autoantibodies, benzanthracene, cantankerously, canthaxanthins, chrysanthemums, circumstantial, consubstantial, consultantship, cryoprotectant, disadvantaging, disenchantment, dismantlements, disquantitying, enantiomorphic, fantasticality, fantasticating, fantastication, flagellantisms, grantsmanships, homotransplant, ignorantnesses, instantiations, intolerantness, intransigeants, introgressants, mercantilistic, methylxanthine, militantnesses, monopropellant, nonantibiotics, nonparticipant, nonrecombinant, nonsignificant, pantisocracies, pantisocratist, phantasmagoria, phantasmagoric, philanthropies, philanthropist, philanthropoid, pithecanthropi, pleasantnesses, pococurantisms, postdebutantes, preconsonantal, preponderantly, pseudopregnant, quantification, quantitatively, reimplantation, restauranteurs, sublieutenants, substantiality, substantiating, substantiation, substantiative, substantivally, substantivized, substantivizes, supplantations, sycophantishly, transplantable, unpleasantness, unquantifiable, unromantically, unromanticized15-letter wordsacanthocephalan, accountantships, antepenultimate, anthropocentric, anthropological, anthropologists, anthropometries, anthropomorphic, anthropopathism, anthropophagies, anthropophagous, anthroposophies, antiabortionist, antialcoholisms, antiallergenics, antiaphrodisiac, anticapitalisms, anticapitalists, anticarcinogens, anticholesterol, anticholinergic, anticlericalism, anticlimactical, anticolonialism, anticolonialist, anticompetitive, anticonvulsants, anticonvulsives, anticorruptions, antidepressants, antidepressions, antiderivatives, antidevelopment, antieducational, antiegalitarian, antifashionable, antiferromagnet, antiforeclosure, antihistaminics, antiliberalisms, antilibertarian, antimanagements, antimaterialism, antimaterialist, antimetabolites, antimilitarisms, antimilitarists, antimonarchical, antimonarchists, antimonopolists, antinationalist, antiobscenities, antiperspirants, antipornography, antiprogressive, antiquarianisms, antiradicalisms, antirationalism, antirationalist, antirationality, antiromanticism, antisegregation, antisentimental, antiseparatists, antisexualities, antishoplifting, antispeculation, antispeculative, antisubversions, antisyphilitics, antitheoretical, antitraditional, antituberculous, antivivisection, benzanthracenes, chorioallantoic, chorioallantois, circumstantiate, consultantships, counterirritant, cryoprotectants, disadvantageous, disenchantingly, disenchantments, enantiomorphism, enantiomorphous, fantasticalness, fantastications, homotransplants, infantilization, insignificantly, instantaneities, instantaneously, intransigeantly, merchantability, methylxanthines, monopropellants, necromantically, nonantagonistic, nonparticipants, nonquantifiable, nonquantitative, nonrecombinants, overextravagant, pantheistically, pantisocratical, pantisocratists, phantasmagorias, philanthropical, philanthropists, philanthropoids, pithecanthropus, postconsonantal, precipitantness, preimplantation, quantifications, reimplantations, romanticization, substantialness, substantiations, substantiveness, substantivizing, superabundantly, sycophantically, transplantation, transubstantial, unanticipatedly, unsubstantially, unsubstantiated, warrantableness16-letter wordsacanthocephalans, advantageousness, antagonistically, antepenultimates, anthropocentrism, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphist, anthropomorphize, anthropopathisms, antiabortionists, antiaphrodisiacs, antiaristocratic, antiassimilation, antibureaucratic, anticarcinogenic, anticholinergics, anticlericalisms, anticolonialisms, anticolonialists, anticonglomerate, anticonservation, anticonventional, antievolutionary, antievolutionism, antievolutionist, antiferromagnets, antiforeclosures, antihierarchical, antihumanitarian, antihypertensive, antilibertarians, antimaterialisms, antimaterialists, antimetaphysical, antinationalists, antiorganization, antipathetically, antipornographic, antiprofiteering, antiprostitution, antiracketeering, antirationalisms, antirationalists, antirecessionary, antireductionism, antireductionist, antiromanticisms, antisegregations, antispeculations, antistrophically, antitotalitarian, antituberculosis, antiunemployment, antiuniversities, antivivisections, cantankerousness, circumstantially, circumstantiated, circumstantiates, counterirritants, enantiomorphisms, fantasticalities, infantilizations, insubstantiality, intolerantnesses, mesembryanthemum, misanthropically, nonsignificantly, phantasmagorical, pithecanthropine, quantificational, quantitativeness, romanticizations, semiquantitative, substantialities, superromanticism, supersubstantial, transplantations, transubstantiate, unpleasantnesses, unsubstantiality17-letter wordsanthropocentrisms, anthropologically, anthropomorphisms, anthropomorphists, anthropomorphized, anthropomorphizes, antiassimilations, antiauthoritarian, anticlimactically, anticommercialism, anticonservations, antidesegregation, antiestablishment, antievolutionisms, antievolutionists, antiferromagnetic, antihumanitarians, antihypertensives, antimiscegenation, antiorganizations, antipornographies, antiprostitutions, antirationalities, antireductionisms, antireductionists, antirevolutionary, antischizophrenia, antischizophrenic, antitechnological, chorioallantoides, circumstantiality, circumstantiating, consubstantiation, diphenylhydantoin, disadvantagedness, disadvantageously, fantasticalnesses, immunosuppressant, instantaneousness, merchantabilities, mesembryanthemums, nonanthropologist, paleoanthropology, philanthropically, pithecanthropines, precipitantnesses, substantialnesses, substantivenesses, superromanticisms, transplantability, transubstantiated, transubstantiates, warrantablenesses18-letter wordsadvantageousnesses, anthropocentricity, anthropomorphizing, antiadministration, anticholinesterase, anticommercialisms, anticounterfeiting, antidiscrimination, antiferromagnetism, antischizophrenics, antivivisectionist, cantankerousnesses, consubstantiations, diphenylhydantoins, immunosuppressants, insubstantialities, methylcholanthrene, nonanthropological, nonanthropologists, quantificationally, quantitativenesses, semiquantitatively, transubstantiating, transubstantiation, unsubstantialities19-letter wordsanthropocentrically, anthropomorphically, antiadministrations, anticholinesterases, anticonservationist, antidesertification, antiferromagnetisms, antifluoridationist, antirevolutionaries, antivivisectionists, circumstantialities, disadvantagednesses, disadvantageousness, homotransplantation, instantaneousnesses, methylcholanthrenes, paleoanthropologies, paleoanthropologist, transplantabilities, transubstantiations20-letter wordsanthropocentricities, anthropomorphization, antiauthoritarianism, anticonservationists, antifluoridationists, homotransplantations, paleoanthropological, paleoanthropologists21-letter wordsanthropomorphizations, antiauthoritarianisms, antiferromagnetically, disadvantageousnesses3118 words found.

What are six letter words start with A and end with A?

aahing, aaliis, aarrgh, abacas, abacus, abakas, abamps, abased, abaser, abases, abasia, abated, abater, abates, abatis, abator, abayas, abbacy, abbess, abbeys, abbots, abduce, abduct, abeles, abhors, abided, abider, abides, abject, abjure, ablate, ablaut, ablaze, ablest, ablins, abloom, ablush, abmhos, aboard, aboded, abodes, abohms, abolla, abomas, aboral, aborts, abound, aboves, abrade, abroad, abrupt, abseil, absent, absorb, absurd, abulia, abulic, abused, abuser, abuses, abvolt, abwatt, abying, abysms, acacia, acajou, acarid, acarus, accede, accent, accept, access, accord, accost, accrue, accuse, acedia, acetal, acetic, acetin, acetum, acetyl, achene, achier, aching, acidic, acidly, acinar, acinic, acinus, ackees, acnode, acorns, acquit, across, acting, actins, action, active, actors, actual, acuate, acuity, aculei, acumen, acuter, acutes, adages, adagio, adapts, addend, adders, addict, adding, addled, addles, adduce, adduct, adeems, adenyl, adepts, adhere, adieus, adieux, adipic, adjoin, adjure, adjust, admass, admire, admits, admixt, adnate, adnexa, adnoun, adobes, adobos, adonis, adopts, adored, adorer, adores, adorns, adrift, adroit, adsorb, adults, advect, advent, adverb, advert, advice, advise, adytum, adzing, aecial, aecium, aedile, aedine, aeneus, aeonic, aerate, aerial, aeried, aerier, aeries, aerify, aerily, aerobe, aerugo, aether, afeard, affair, affect, affine, affirm, afflux, afford, affray, afghan, afield, aflame, afloat, afraid, afreet, afresh, afrits, afters, aftosa, agamas, agamic, agamid, agapae, agapai, agapes, agaric, agates, agaves, agedly, ageing, ageism, ageist, agency, agenda, agenes, agents, aggada, aggers, aggies, aggros, aghast, agings, agisms, agists, agitas, aglare, agleam, aglets, agnail, agnate, agnize, agonal, agones, agonic, agorae, agoras, agorot, agouti, agouty, agrafe, agreed, agrees, agrias, aguish, ahchoo, ahimsa, aholds, ahorse, aiders, aidful, aiding, aidman, aidmen, aiglet, aigret, aikido, ailing, aimers, aimful, aiming, aiolis, airbag, airbus, airers, airest, airier, airily, airing, airman, airmen, airted, airths, airway, aisled, aisles, aivers, ajivas, ajowan, ajugas, akelas, akenes, akimbo, alamos, alands, alanin, alants, alanyl, alarms, alarum, alaska, alated, alates, albata, albedo, albeit, albino, albite, albums, alcade, alcaic, alcids, alcove, alders, aldols, aldose, aldrin, alegar, alephs, alerts, alevin, alexia, alexin, alfaki, algins, algoid, algors, algums, alibis, alible, alidad, aliens, alight, aligns, alined, aliner, alines, aliped, aliyah, aliyas, aliyos, aliyot, alkali, alkane, alkene, alkies, alkine, alkoxy, alkyds, alkyls, alkyne, allays, allege, allele, alleys, allied, allies, allium, allods, allots, allows, alloys, allude, allure, allyls, almahs, almehs, almner, almond, almost, almuce, almude, almuds, almugs, alnico, alodia, alohas, aloins, alpaca, alphas, alphyl, alpine, alsike, altars, alters, althea, aludel, alulae, alular, alumin, alumna, alumni, alvine, always, amadou, amarna, amatol, amazed, amazes, amazon, ambage, ambari, ambary, ambeer, ambers, ambery, ambits, ambled, ambler, ambles, ambush, amebae, ameban, amebas, amebic, ameers, amends, aments, amerce, amices, amides, amidic, amidin, amidol, amidst, amigas, amigos, amines, aminic, ammine, ammino, ammono, amnion, amnios, amoeba, amoles, amoral, amount, amours, ampere, amping, ampler, ampule, ampuls, amrita, amtrac, amucks, amulet, amused, amuser, amuses, amusia, amylic, amylum, anabas, anadem, anally, analog, ananke, anarch, anatto, anchor, anchos, ancone, andros, anears, aneled, aneles, anemia, anemic, anenst, anergy, angary, angels, angers, angina, angled, angler, angles, anglos, angora, angsts, anilin, animal, animas, animes, animis, animus, anions, anises, anisic, ankled, ankles, anklet, ankush, anlace, anlage, annals, anneal, annexe, annona, annoys, annual, annuli, annuls, anodal, anodes, anodic, anoint, anoles, anomic, anomie, anonym, anopia, anorak, anoxia, anoxic, ansate, answer, anteed, anthem, anther, antiar, antick, antics, anting, antler, antral, antres, antrum, anural, anuran, anuria, anuric, anuses, anvils, anyhow, anyone, anyons, anyway, aorist, aortae, aortal, aortas, aortic, aoudad, apache, apathy, apercu, apexes, aphids, aphtha, apiary, apical, apices, apiece, aplite, aplomb, apneal, apneas, apneic, apnoea, apodal, apogee, apollo, apolog, aporia, appall, appals, appeal, appear, appels, append, apples, applet, appose, aprons, aptest, arabic, arable, arames, aramid, arbors, arbour, arbute, arcade, arcana, arcane, arched, archer, arches, archil, archly, archon, arcing, arcked, arctic, ardebs, ardent, ardors, ardour, arecas, arenas, arenes, areola, areole, arepas, aretes, argala, argali, argals, argent, argils, argled, argles, argols, argons, argosy, argots, argued, arguer, argues, argufy, argyle, argyll, arhats, ariary, arider, aridly, ariels, aright, ariled, ariose, ariosi, arioso, arisen, arises, arista, aristo, arkose, armada, armers, armets, armful, armies, arming, armlet, armors, armory, armour, armpit, armure, arnica, aroids, aroint, aromas, around, arouse, aroynt, arpens, arpent, arrack, arrant, arrays, arrear, arrest, arriba, arrive, arroba, arrows, arrowy, arroyo, arseno, arshin, arsine, arsino, arsons, artels, artery, artful, artier, artily, artist, asarum, ascend, ascent, ascots, asdics, ashcan, ashier, ashing, ashlar, ashler, ashman, ashmen, ashore, ashram, asides, askant, askers, asking, aslant, asleep, aslope, aslosh, aspect, aspens, aspers, aspics, aspire, aspish, asrama, assail, assais, assays, assent, assert, assess, assets, assign, assist, assize, assoil, assort, assume, assure, astern, asters, asthma, astony, astral, astray, astute, aswarm, aswirl, aswoon, asylum, atabal, ataman, atavic, ataxia, ataxic, atelic, atlatl, atmans, atolls, atomic, atonal, atoned, atoner, atones, atonia, atonic, atopic, atrial, atrium, attach, attack, attain, attars, attend, attent, attest, attics, attire, attorn, attrit, attune, atwain, atween, atypic, aubade, auburn, aucuba, audads, audile, auding, audios, audits, augend, augers, aughts, augite, augurs, augury, august, auklet, aulder, auntie, auntly, aurate, aureus, aurist, aurora, aurous, aurums, auspex, ausubo, auteur, author, autism, autist, autoed, autumn, auxins, avails, avatar, avaunt, avenge, avenue, averse, averts, avians, aviary, aviate, avidin, avidly, avions, avisos, avocet, avoids, avoset, avouch, avowal, avowed, avower, avulse, awaits, awaked, awaken, awakes, awards, aweary, aweigh, aweing, awhile, awhirl, awless, awmous, awning, awoken, axeman, axemen, axenic, axilla, axioms, axised, axises, axites, axlike, axonal, axones, axonic, axseed, azalea, azides, azines, azlons, azoles, azonal, azonic, azoted, azotes, azoths, azotic, azukis, azures, azygos847 words found.