A couch (settee, sofa) is called 'un canapé' or 'un sofa' or 'un divan' in French.
A Recamier couch (named after Mme. Jeanne Francoise Julie Adelaide Recamier)- This type of reclining couch has one end that is a bit higher than the other.
You sit on a couch.
A couch bed differs from an ordinary couch because the couch bed folds out to become a bed. A couch bed is a great option for someone if they have guests over to stay the night often.
The singular possessive form of "couch" is "couch's."
Bill Couch's birth name is William Couch.
the big coumfy couch
canapes bread comes from the country bangladash
On the couch!haha
Low Couch
On the Couch was created in 2002.