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When you murder seals brutally and usually with a long pole. I am a lead seal clubber myself.

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It's literally what it sounds like -- a method of seal hunting that involves walking up to seal and striking them in the head with a hakapik (a sort of pickaxe with a hammer head on one side and a long, curved spike on the other) or a mallet until they die. This method has been used because seals are often easily approached, and the tool used is efficient for killing and then moving the carcass around. This one-on-one method ensures that only seals are taken (and not other animals such as fish or turtles), and keeps the pelt in good condition for use.

Seal pelts have been used by native peoples for many centuries to make waterproof and warm clothes. The meat is a dietary staple for some tribal people such as the Inuit (because the land doesn't support many other animals or plant foods). The blubber is also a potential source of fuel oil, cooking oil, or an ingredient in other products like soap.

Firearms are commonly used for sealing in modern times, although the clubbing method is still favored by many commercial companies and tribal peoples. Studies have produced conflicting results, but clubbing performed by an experienced person will kill in one blow and not cause unnecessary suffering. So, while brutal to watch, it is at least as humane as shooting.

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