Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character who has become an icon for The Walt Disney Company. Although the Mickey Mouse Club TV series premiered on October 3, 1955, the Mouseketeers made their first television appearance on July 17, 1955 - on the ABC broadcast special celebrating the opening of Disneyland. In France they call him Souris mickey.
une souris is French for a mouse.
"une souris" (a mouse) "la souris" (the mouse)
souris - mouse in French souris is pronounced: sore-e (it sort of sounds like sorry)!
a mouse
You can use free online translation services. Open up your web browser or a new page (whatever you prefer and find the easiest), then go to the top right or middle of your browser page where you will find a search box (or engine) enter in that translators or word translation, you will be provide with results such as Google Translate, click on the link to the translation service of your choice, most are free, then follow the instructions given. Another method is to turn on translation services on your web browser. Some web browsers have in built translation. So when you use your mouse or keyboard and point to a word or hover over it, you will see the word translated into the language that you would have chosen when you turned this on in your browsers options. The best and most fun way, is to use the online translation services as you can more or less at an instant have your word or sentences translated and you can also see them translated into different languages at a few clicks of your computer mouse or keyboard.
The literal translation is bald-mouse; it means ' a bat '.
The phrase "my mouse" is translated from English to French as "ma souris".It should be noted that "souris" is not only the translation for the mouse rodent, but also for a computer mouse, therefore, the translation if referring to a computer mouse would be the same.
"Crazy mouse" is the literal English equivalent of the French phrase fou souris.Specifically, the masculine adjective fou means "crazy, mad." The masculine noun sourismeans "mouse." The pronunciation will be "foo soo-ree" in French.
une souris is French for a mouse.
Topolino is an Italian equivalent of the English name "Mickey Mouse."Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. As a common noun that is not capitalized, it means "little mouse." The pronunciation is "TOH-poh-LEE-noh."
In French, "mouse" is pronounced as "mulss" with a silent "e" at the end.
la souris=mouse
A mouse (or computer mouse) is "une souris" (feminine noun, plural "des souris" - the last "s" is unvoiced) in French.
"une souris" (a mouse) "la souris" (the mouse)
My name is mouse
souris - mouse in French souris is pronounced: sore-e (it sort of sounds like sorry)!