means Business Process
Outsourcing; I'm
assuming you mean the
same thing.
I would imagine that
"non-voice" BPO jobs
would be ones that do
not involve
communicating by voice
with the customers. They
might include reading
incoming information
and sending appropriate
electronic requests for
other information...
Non voice means not voice call
Backend process in BPO - To simply fly - the processed which do not handle voice/calls inbound or outbound or the call volume is just related to process requirement, such processes are listed in BackEnd operations - such as accounting services to clients; data entry, non-voice services via email or chat, non-technical teams or software developing teams or internal technical helpdesk - all these are backend operational teams.
A non-voice account means you have to do some kind of office work for a BPO company like answering email or fax messages. Most of the time, experienced agents prefer this type of job because it's less stressful and minimum metrics like 3 to 4 metrics only.
One advantage of building a captive BPO unit is that securing your data is less complicated because it never leaves your own organization. Read on: http://www.syntelinc.com/syntelligence/index.aspx?id=190
i want to start domestic call center in hyderabad in that i want to start tele calling process & data entry & some non voice process
how to pass a non voice agent in the Philippines
how to pass a non voice agent in the Philippines
how to pass a non voice agent in the philippines
A non-voice account means you have to do some kind of office work for a BPO company like answering email or fax messages. Most of the time, experienced agents prefer this type of job because it's less stressful and minimum metrics like 3 to 4 metrics only.
Where is address and location of the Non-Domestic U.S. Mailing, for the city of Hawthorne California.
Uncomfortable around others, fidgeting/not paying attention/'non caring' voice.