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A bound morpheme is a morpheme that cannot stand alone as a word, but must be attached to a free morpheme to form a complete word. Examples include prefixes and suffixes, such as "-er" in "teacher" or "un-" in "unhappy."

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Related questions

What is the difference between morpheme and word?

The primary difference between a word and a morpheme is that a word is freestanding, where a morpheme may or may not be. For example, the morpheme "star" can stand by itself, but the morpheme "-s" cannot.

How do you use morpheme in a sentence?

Morpheme is a noun. The word "write" is an example of a morpheme. A single morpheme word is sometimes called a root or base word.

Is a deforestation a free or bound morpheme?

Type your answer here... forest is the free morpheme

What is the free morpheme in the word disgraceful?

The free morpheme in the word disgraceful is the word grace. A morpheme is the smallest form of a word in grammar.

What are morphemes?

A morpheme is a word or a word element that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts. In the word "singing," sing is a morpheme and ing is a morpheme. In the word "friendliest," friend is a morpheme, ly is a morpheme, and est is a morepheme.

What is the difference between a morpheme and a morph?

"Morph" is just a shortened form of "morpheme"

What is the morpheme in the word immortality?

The morpheme in "immortality" is "im," which is a prefix meaning "not" or "without."

How many morphemes are in the word newcomers?

There are three morphemes in the word "newcomers": "new" (root morpheme), "come" (root morpheme), and "-er" (derivational morpheme).

Is multiculturalism a bound morpheme?

No, multiculturalism is not a bound morpheme. It is a free morpheme that can stand alone as a meaningful word and does not require additional morphemes to convey its meaning.

What is a free base morpheme?

It's a word that can stand on its own, but is being used as the base for some word you're considering. The base morpheme of "easier" is "easy". "Easy" is a free morpheme because it can stand on its own as a word. "-er" isn't a free morpheme because it doesn't mean anything unless you attach it to a word.

Is suffix and bound morpheme synonyms?

Yes, a suffix is a type of bound morpheme. A bound morpheme is a morpheme that must be attached to other morphemes to form a word, such as prefixes and suffixes._suffixes specifically are morphemes added to the end of a word to modify its meaning.

Is rode a free morpheme?

Yes, "rode" is a free morpheme. It is lexical (has meaning) and can stand alone.