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Nationalism is pride in your nation. Colonial nationalism is pride in the colony a nation controls. It means great pride in the colony you live in.

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having pride in yor own identity

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Q: What is anti colonial nationalism?
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Why was nationalism an important factor in world 1?

because of colonial aspirations of Germany

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because of colonial aspirations of germany

Why did nationalism grow in colonies and link to the anti-colonial movement?

Nationalism grew in colonies because people in these regions were seeking to assert their own identities and independence from colonial rule. As a result, nationalism became a driving force behind anti-colonial movements as people united around a common national identity to resist colonial domination and control. This sense of shared national identity provided a powerful motivation for colonies to fight for their freedom and autonomy.

Were fascists strongly anti-communist?

Yes, fascism is characterized by extreme nationalism, militarism, and anti-communist beliefs.

What was the anti-colonial movement in Kenya?

find out about ways of the anti colonial moement in kenya compant and contract . Indian National moement with the way in which keneya became indepedent

What lend to many African colonies breaking free from colonial rule?

Pressure from the United States and Nationalism.

How does globalization and colonial mentality affects your patriotism and nationalism?

it messes people's minds up. and leads to war.

Why European countries resist African colonial nationalism?

They were afraid they would lose their supply of natural resources.

Why did nationalism cause major problems for the colonial powers in world war 1?

wanted to be the most powerful.