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There are a few to help finance a government. The local government can throw fundraisers, or look for for people who have a lot of money to give donations.

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they have get them out of tax

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state and local license fees

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Q: What of the following is another way state and local governments raise revenue from citizens?
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What is the major source of revenue for most state governments?

Most state governments depend on at least one the following: sales tax, and income tax. 48 out of 50 states have at least one of those two in place, and derive the large majority of their revenue from them.

Where does governments' revenue come from?

Most government revenue comes from us

How do government generates revenue?

Governments can only generate revenue in three ways, usually a combination of the following three; 1) taxation, 2) borrowing (selling treasuries), 3) printing currency

What are the sources for revenue for local governments?

The main source of local government revenue is intergovernmental transfers.

The governments benefit from a tax can be measured by?

tax revenue

What are the main sources of revenue for local governments?

The main source of local government revenue is intergovernmental transfers.

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Why is taxation important in the phlippines?

Like all governments, that is the principle way in which governments raise revenue with wihich to operate.

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It is so important because it is what creates the governments revenue.

What is revenue tax?

Tax revenue is the income that the government gets from individuals paying their yearly taxes. Anytime taxes are taken out of your paycheck, that goes to the governments tax revenue.

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The federal government's biggest single source of revenue is from?

Individual income tax is the federal governments biggest source of revenue. It has been the biggest source of revenue since 1950.