# safe for use. non toxic to either humans, mammels or fish # non residual- preferably biodgradable and or UV degradable # selective in its effect # works in multiple kill mods making it hard to develop ressistence to # cheap # non phytotoxic # easy for use # possibly a biological agent which can live in the area even if there are no pests at the time (for example by being a saprofite) but prefers them if they are there. # any many more....
My Pesticide was created in 2007.
Local Pesticide
depends on the pesticide and the pest If the pest is on the plant the pesticide must contact the plant.
The plural of pesticide is pesticides.
The act of crop dusting itself has not led to pesticide resistance. Mismanagement of pesticide application is the root cause of pesticide resistance.
The ISBN of The Pesticide Question is 9780412035814.
The Pesticide Question was created in 1993.
Pesticide resistance describes the decreased susceptibility of a pest population to a pesticide that was previously effective at controlling the pest.
radish can be a pesticide. radish can be a pesticide.
pesticide damage
The Pesticide Question has 441 pages.