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The best example of hieroglyphs in their most elaborate form is in the tomb of Queen Nefertari, favourite wife of Ramesses the Great.

Both the paintings and the hieroglyphic text are the finest examples of the tomb painter's art anywhere in Egypt. See links below for images:

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

a long time ago people used hieroglyphics. They are like using pictures as words, and numbers were done with a different type of drawing.

hope that helped

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βˆ™ 16y ago

one of the best examples of hieroglyphics is on the Rosetta Stone, or on Tutankhamun's tomb.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Your might as well start using hieroglyphics.

Please help me to read these hieroglyphics.

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What are good websites for hieroglyphs?

the best website for hieroglyphics is ancient egypts writing hieroglyphics

Where can you get samples of hieroglyphics?

There are many places in the world where you may find genuine samples of hieroglyphics. Your local library would have these samples for example.

How were hieroglyphics used in ancient eygpt?

Hieroglyphics were used to communicate and to write down records. For example when the egyptians went to trade they wrote down taxes.

How do yo use hieroglyphics in a sentence?

Hieroglyphics was the system of picture writing used by the ancient Egyptians. An example of this word used in a sentence would be, "The ancient Egyptians kept excellent records of their society via the use of scribes who used hieroglyphics."

Is this how you spell heilogryphics?

No, that is not the correct spelling for the word.The correct spelling is hieroglyphics.For example:"These hieroglyphics say that whoever disturbs the tomb will be cursed for a thousand years".

Hieroglyphics helped Egyptian scribes keep records of?

Well, hieroglyphics helped them keep track of events, news, and leaders, for example; King Tut; The births of future leaders; and the reuniting of the 2 regions.

Hieroglyphics were a form of what?

Hieroglyphics were a form of writing.

What is the French word for hieroglyphics?

Hieroglyphics = hiéroglyphes

Can you smoke hieroglyphics?

No, you cannot smoke hieroglyphics.

What were Hieroglyphics painted on?

Hieroglyphics were written on papyrus.

How do you spell hiroglifics?

The correct spelling is "hieroglyphics" (ancient Egyptian pictographs).

What is an example sentence with 'hieroglypics'?

Anthropologists having been trying for years read these hieroglyphics but no one has succeeded yet.