Jon is a very sensible young man he has both feet on the ground.
An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an example sentence!
You just used rendition in a sentence. This is an example of how to use rendition in sentence. This previous sentence is another prime example.
a sentence for crust
Example sentence - Her behavior was a commendable example for her peers.
Safe, sensible driving means increased fuel efficiency
I made a sensible decision
The adverb of sensible is sensibly.An example sentence is "he ate his meal sensibly".Another is "make sure you walk sensibly down the corridor".
She is very sensible around people.
Jon is a very sensible young man he has both feet on the ground.
I can see two sensible solutions to this poser. There must be a simple, sensible solution this question.
billy wore sensible shoes when he went hiking
That's one of the most sensible examples I've seen today.
The teacher was very sensible to keeping the atmosphere conductive to learning.
My friend, Harry, was much more sensible than I, which was why I was always getting into trouble.
Given that "stallion" is a noun that is the term for a male horse, and that I suspect all these "example sentence" questions are school homework questions, I'll leave you to create a sensible sentence using the two facts above!