The full question is:
What is an example of a spooled device
A A line printer used to print the output of a number of jobs
B A terminal used to enter input data to a running program
C A secondary storage device in a virtual memory system
D A graphic display device
SPOOLING stands for Simultaneous Peripheral Operations Online. A Spooler program has one job: to remember, keep in order, and process 'jobs' in the order that it received them.
SPOOLING comes into play regarding printing. Let's say you have these items you want to print:
Without Spooling, you would have to WAIT until one job is done before you click print on the next job. WITH spooling, your computer remembers "What am I supposed to print next?" When one task finishes, the next one starts automatically.
This is important with companies. If a payroll department must print 100 paychecks, it can take 1 click to start the process, and the Spooler keeps track of the jobs so Suzy Q does not get Joe Blough's paycheck amount and Joe Blough does not get his boss's paycheck. The printer can keep working non-stop as long as it has paper and ink.
Spooling is putting jobs in a buffer area, whether in memory or on disk, where they can be accessed when a device is ready. For example, print jobs are spooled to a buffer to be printed when the printer is ready.
A spooled string of genes packaged in a single unit is called a chromosome. A chromosome is a structure of DNA, RNA, and protein which are found in cells.
Spooled Documents are simply documents that are waiting to be printed. When you tell your computer to print a document there is a process that it must go through. If you tell it to print another one before the first one is done printing it will take it's place in line (or be spooled up) waiting for the printer to complete the previous task.
A simple pn-junction diode is the common example of a electronic device.
I example of a processing device is sims card, or a video card.
A device is an example of technology. A null modem cable is a device.
Processor is a big example of process device
People that eat bad or spooled food.
it is an example of hardware and an output device. . . .
a typical example of a d.c current device is a generator it supplies current directly to houses
An example of an energy efficient device includes an energy efficient light bulb.