The best way to remember how to spell words, is to break them into smaller chunks.
To remember the spelling of "giraffe":
Gir - Af -Fe /or/ Gir - Affe /or/Gira - Ffe
make up a sentence, as stupid as it may be e.g. giraffe is really a fat falling elephant- that isn't what a giraffe is but the letters at the beginning of each word spell giraffe so it'll help
The best way to remember how to spell words, is to break them into smaller chunks.To remember the spelling of "measure":Me - A - Sure
The best way to remember how to spell words, is to break them into smaller chunks.To remember the spelling of "ironing":Ir - on - ing /or/ Iron - ing
the easy way to remember circumference is to remember circle the CIRCumference measures the distance around a CIRCle
ele~p.h.a.n.t just remember ele then spell plant and change the L to a H. eleplant~elephant
Success Here is an easy way to remember how to spell "Success" double the C double the S and you'll always have Success
The easy way to remember is this little saying: Edward Died In November Buried under Robert Grahams House.
It doesnt matter but the way you spell it is PROPERLY. This is a little trick to remember = P.R.O.P.E.R.L.Y I cannot tell a lie.
An easy way to remember how to spell arithmetic is... A rat in the house might eat the ice cream. Every first letter of all of those words spell 'arithmetic'. To demonstrate... A R at I n T he H ouse M ight E at T he I ce C ream Read the first letters of every word down. It spells 'arithmetic.' For another demonstration... A Rat In The House Might Eat The Ice Cream A - A R - R I - I T - T H - H M - M E - E T - T I - I C - C
here's an easy way to remember how to spell Philadelphia all u do is say Ph-il-a-del-p-hi-anewtest3
The city in Ohio, home of the NFL Bengals, is Cincinnati.
make up names