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antibiotic induced swelling....'oma' = tumour (swelling)

eg: breast

when an abscess occur in the breast and antibiotic was given, without even draining the abscess, the abscess cavity next will become fibrous and it result in firm to large lump in the breast.

this hard lump can be confused for malignancy.

to teat this... excision need to be done...

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Q: What is an antibioma?
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What is antibioma Is there any relation with Cancer?

antibioma is a pathological condion induced due to antibiotics in relation to pus cells. it is due to the fact that a solid wall is formed outside the territorrt of inflammation due to heavy antibiotics. which in turn is called as antibioma. As such there is no relation related to it to cancer but research is going on and on...

What is antibioma?

actually it is due to treating swelling in mouth by antibiotics only.such conditions occur due to dental abscess where antibiotics given without incision and drainage or root canal treatment.

What are the causes of development of an antibioma?

giving height dose of antibiotic to a patient have chronic abscess with swelling

Treatment of antibioma in dentistry?

This is my experience with treating antibioma. i usually start with a steroid and analgesics without any antibiotic for 2-3 days. then drain or expose the area. later treat with supporting antibiotics after culture and sensitivity

If you have a lump in one of your testicles what doctor should you see?

A urologist. You need to have a diagnosis ASAP. The lump may be caused by epididymitis. Since antibiotics cannot let it go away, maybe you can try a herbal medicine named diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill. Good luck to you.

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No they do not.