

What is an algae's adaptation?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is an algae's adaptation?
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What are 5 producers in the arctic?

The Producers, in the biological sense, are large multicellular brown algaes (like kelp), and unicellular algaes that form the phytoplankton. Thses unicellular algaies are members of one of several algal groups. One example would be the Chrysophyta, the Golden Algaes. Pretty much all plants are producers.

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they eat other smaller fish and some algaes

What are two plants in the ocean?

kelp/seaweed, seagrass, and various algaes

Do plants grow in the North Pole?

Categorically no, as there is no land; although flora, in the form of certain algaes, does.

Is algae involved in the eukaryotic group that contain microorganisms?

Algae have eukariyotic cells.There are micro and macro algaes.

What are some of red algaes adaptations?

Its coloring helps it blend into the ocean floor so predators cannot see it.

What plants grow on antarctica?

Well, lichens, mosses, and algaes are one of them, though, not many plants grow in antarctica

What is blue green algaes purpose?

It makes food for the organisms such as little fish so the bigger fish can eat them and the food chain goes on

Are algae found in both fresh water and salt water?

yes algaes are the most primitive and all became diverse due to evolution

What is adaptation not?

Adaptation is not edible.

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Behavioral adaptation