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One advantage of trawling is that it can cover large areas of the ocean floor quickly and efficiently, making it useful for studying marine ecosystems and collecting data on fish populations.

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Q: What is an advantage of trawling?
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How does mechanical advantage differ from ideal mechanical advantage?

Mechanical advantage refers to the ratio of the output force to the input force in a machine. Ideal mechanical advantage is the theoretical mechanical advantage of a machine calculated by considering only the ideal conditions, such as no energy loss due to friction. In practical applications, actual mechanical advantage will be less than ideal mechanical advantage due to factors like friction and inefficiencies in the machine.

How many times force is multiplied is the mechanical?

In a mechanical advantage system, the force is multiplied by the factor of the mechanical advantage. The formula for mechanical advantage is MA = output force / input force. This means the force can be multiplied by the mechanical advantage value.

How can time be used to measure mechanical advantage?

Time can be used to measure mechanical advantage by comparing the time taken to perform a task with and without a mechanical advantage device. If a mechanical advantage device reduces the time required to complete a task, it indicates that the device has increased the efficiency of the task, thereby providing mechanical advantage.

The amount by which a machine multiplies an input force is called?

The amount by which a machine multiplies an input force is called mechanical advantage. It is calculated by dividing the output force by the input force.

What does the output force divided by the input force equal?

Efficiency of a machine or mechanical advantage

Related questions

When did Matsukata Hiroki no Super Trawling happen?

Matsukata Hiroki no Super Trawling happened in 1995.

How can you prevent trawling?

Most places where trawling is still an issue the only way to prevent trawling is taking extensive research of species change in the oceans due to trawling and presenting the reasearch to the local government. This will take a long time however if legislation is put in place to stop trawling there can be great benefits to the environement. Schemes like this are ongoing in countries like Cambodia where the compant is working with the government to prevent trawling and protect seahorse and nudibranch.

What constitute trawling within the meaning of rule 26?

when constitutes trawling within the meaning of rule 26

When was Matsukata Hiroki no Super Trawling created?

Matsukata Hiroki no Super Trawling was created on 1995-08-25.

Who invented trawling?

Primitive fishermen use trawling. It is a pretty obvious advance upon just setting a net.

Why are fishermen trawling?

Although trawling, a fishing method that involves dragging a fishing net through the water by boat, is an ecologically disruptive method of fishing, it is also one of the most economically viable fishing techniques. Trawling utilizes large nets which, because they don't discriminate between fish species, catches a lot of bycatch. Bottom trawling, a method in which a net is dragged through the sea floor, is even more damaging (it shatters coral reefs, inhibits seaweed growth, etc.). However, all types of trawling catch numerous amounts of fish in each swipe through. Because it allows fishermen to capture many fish in a small amount of time, fishermen take advantage of it.

How do you use the word trawl in a sentence?

Are you trawling for shrimp today? I could trawl along at a crawl all day.

Stop bottom trawling?

yes you should

What is a trawling need in a crossword puzzle?


How do you use trawling in a sentence?

While touring the boat, I was startled to hear the shrimper shout, "Trawl!". How long will we trawl along like this?

How can trawling affect the sea?

it can because it provides liter

What has the author Robb Robinson written?

Robb Robinson has written: 'Trawling'