A young sheep is called a lamb, mature female sheep are called ewes.
Adult sheep are called ewes (females) or rams (males).
Adult female sheep are refered to as, ewes.
A dad sheep is called a ram. Rams are adult male sheep that are often kept for breeding purposes.
Adult female sheep are referred to as ewes, intact males as ramsRam is a male. Ewe is a female.
Both terms are correct. A "shepherd" is one who herds sheep, rather than a "flocker."
An adult female sheep is called a ewe. Ewe comes from the old English word eowu
I assume you mean "what is an adult female sheep called?" if so the answer is a "Ewe"
Ram itself is a male sheep. A female sheep is called ewe.
A female sheep is called a ewe.
A female sheep is called a ewe, and her baby is called a lamb.
An adult female sheep is called an ewe. A young female is called a ewe lamb. An ewe lamb that is older than a year, but usually before her first lamb may be called a gimmer or a theave.
Yes, a lamb is a young sheep, typically under one year of age. Once a lamb reaches adulthood, it is referred to as a sheep.