All adamant armour like Adamant full helm, Adamant platebody, Adamant plateleg
your mom adamant
The adamant battle axe and adamant scimitar are.
The student was adamant that her answer was correct.
The Man of Adamant was created in 1837.
As an adjective it means stubbornly unyielding. As a noun, it means a very hard substance.The professor was adamant that none of his research go into building weapons.To convince her to let him use her car, he had to overcome her adamant refusal.
The protesters were adamant about their cause.
There is no specific number associated with adamant.
If he's not busy with work, school, or serious family obligations he's playing around.
They were adamant about receiving an answer to their question, because their entire grade depended on it. :)
The old Republican is adamant about his/her opinions about taxes