

What is affected by insulin?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is affected by insulin?
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What tissues are least affected by insulin?

Brain tissue is least affected by insulin because it does not rely on insulin for glucose uptake. Additionally, red blood cells and the cornea in the eye also do not require insulin for glucose uptake.

Can high blood pressure cause diabetes?

Yes, insulin secretion is affected by high BP.

'what organelle witnin cell is most affected by lack of insulin?

Insulin operates on those surface (membrane) proteins that transport sugar through the cell wall, not on organelles within the cell.

What is a feedback mechanism involving the human pancreas?

The level of sugar in the blood is affected by the amount of insulin in the blood.

Does insulin go bad?

Hi!! All the insulin vials or cartridges have expiry date printed on them. This date indicates the date before which the unopened vial or cartridge should be used. One the vial or cartridge is opened it should be discarded after one month,even though some insulin remains in it, as the potency of the insulin is lost over a period of time the potency of the insulin is also affected by cold and heat. Hence Insulin should not be frozen or stored in direct sunlight or heated areas. If all the instructions are followed than Insulin does not go bad. Hope i have answered your question...

What gland scretes diabetes mellitus?

Diabetes is caused by any defect onlow or no secretion of insulin orimproper use of insulinInsulin is secreted by the gland "Pancreas". So pancreas is responsible for diabetes, it the cause is low insulin secretion (type II diabetes) or no insulin secretion (type I diabetes).Body cells is not sensitive to insulin, then diabetes type II is caused called as insulin resistance.

What do you do if you accidentally gave your dog too much insulin?

If it has affected the animal, give the animal something sweet to eat. Not chocolate.Maybe some sugar water.

How much insulin should you take if blood sugar is 241?

However much your body needs your diabetic nurse or doctor should be able to tell you how much this is. It's all depends on how your body works and your insulin levels are usually affected by you weight

What is lantus insulin?

It is a long acting insulin.

Diabetes is a result of the insufficient production of what?

insulin in the pancreas

What is the chemical formula for insulin?

The chemical formula of insulin is C256H381N65O79S6

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